Rigging technical
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Catalog excerpts

Rigging technical - 1

Use : replaces shackles and snaps to connect pulleys on : sheet traveller, toe rail, boom & spar (pole, flying jib, boom...) links between backstays, runners and tackle pulley... Construction : Dyneema® SK75 pre stretched, 32 plait Dyneema® cover. Weight saving, does not damage deck, mast or boom, pulley is always perfectly in effort axis, silent, very good resistance to UV & chafing, excellent weight/breaking strength ratio. DYNEEMA® HOLLOW BRAID Use : protection against chafing, for abrasion and wearing protection, ideal for The best product for abrasion prevention. 32 plait. WHIPPING TWINE Braided high tenacity polyester thread. Slightly sticky to make the whipping easier. Use : an excellent tying and messenger thread. The "n " treatment gives a high resistance to abrasion, and the knot does SEWN DYNEEMA® WEBBING STRAP GROMMETS Use : flexible fixing on eyestrap, toe rail, strops. Construction : blend of Dyneema® / Polyamide. Can be stowed in a small space. No stretch. DYNEEMA® LACING BRAID Use : replaces metal fittings, shackles, bottle screws. Construction : 100% Dyneema® SK 75 braid. Very high strength. No stretch. Good resistance to shock loads. Use : replaces shackles, bottles screws... Construction : 100% vectran® 097 braid. SEWING THREAD Construction : Twisted thread in high tenacity polyester. Specific sailmaking treatment. High resistance to needle heat during sewing. High breaking strength. Make up : sold in 10 mini spools boxes for references 20/3 and 30/3. Necessary Sold in boxes of 8 spools of 250 g for the reference 40/3. New ! SNAP system : removable tube base enabling to keep the end of SPLICING FIDS High quality stainless steel. Splia'ng manual for 3 strand ropes included ! 9 Use : for splices on ropes and braided ropes from 4 mm to 10 mm.

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Rigging technical - 2

HELICAL BRAID mm White, Blue Bituminous LARGE DISPLAY UNITS Height :2m/ Width :1m/ Depth : 0,60 m New ! adjustable support enabling display of small reels "fun" and 4874. Capaa'ty : 48 small reels. Use : this hot knife will enable you to cut properly and efficiently your ropes and webbings. Avoids using whipping twine or scotch tape. Use : a leading product for use as long line and trolling line, perfect for Construction : helical nylon braided rope. This line receives a bituminous Make up : 100 m or 300 m hanks depending on 0. Very long life product, the bituminous treated braid is...

Open the catalog to page 2
Rigging technical - 3

BLACK CORD Construction : polyester 16 plait pearled braid. Color : black. Low stretch, excellent resistance to UV and chemical agents. WHITE CORD Use : general purpose, leech lines. Construction : multifilament polyester braid. High tenacity, smooth resistant braided sheath. Compact. BLACK CORD Construction : nylon braid. Resist on pressures on harpoon guns MOTOR STARTER CORD Construction : nylon 16 plait braid. Color : white with coloured flecks for diameter identification. Very compact, ideal for outboard motor starter cord. SMALL REELS White cords : Also in set of 10 same color small...

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