Catalog excerpts

Engineered Synthetic Tether Solutions
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Synthetic Tethers Cortland synthetic tethers offer many advantages over traditional steel wire and chain Cortland synthetic fiber subsea tethers, now including Selantic Tethers, are among the most highly-rated in the world, logging an impressive track record for more than 15 years. Our subsea tethers have been used in the mooring of flexible risers and umbilicals, and for mooring of Mid Water Arch (MWA) systems. Traditionally, tethers are often engineered using chain, however, high performance synthetic rope tethers have been found to be considerably more effective. Advantages in using...
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Shackle interface to MWA or riser clamp Twin trunnion plate for bridle tether connection Twin Trunnion Plate • onnection to standard pad eye on MWA C • OV operated handles for locking tether R eyes on trunnions • andle for ROV positioning H • ad eye with shackle for connection of P pull down rigging arrangement • Anode for corrosion protection • Free rotating connection towards MWA Synthetic bridle tether Selantic delta plate for direct connection to tethers Selantic Delta Plate • ouble plate with pins for direct interface D to Tether eyes • Handle for ROV positioning • Anode for corrosion...
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ASIA PACIFIC - Singapore Tel: + 65 6515 4971 singapore@cortlandcompany.com Cortland is driven by innovative thinking, use of high technology materials and attention to detail. Our in-depth understanding of demanding operational environments means we can deliver trusted, proven solutions to our customers worldwide. Today, Cortland provides innovative, efficient and lightweight rope, slings, cables and umbilicals; along with mooring design, analysis and installation services to the oil and gas, heavy marine, subsea, ROV, seismic, defense, aerostat and medical markets. Cortland is a part of...
Open the catalog to page 4All Cortland catalogs and brochures
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