Seismic Brochure
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Catalog excerpts

Seismic Brochure - 1

Tow Cables, Umbilicals, Straps and Ropes

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Seismic Brochure - 2

Deck Cable Deflector Straps Distance Rope Dilt Float Rope

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Seismic Brochure - 3

Continuous development in seismic data acquisition calls for innovation in umbilicals, tow cables, straps and ropes Traditional marine seismic recording spreads are rapidly increasing in size and data density and the emergence of new technologies like Life of Field, EM and Nodal have all pushed the demands on umbilicals, cables and their materials to keep pace. Super Wide Tow Rope Cortland is constantly evolving their products to meet the demands of these new technologies to ensure maximum operational efficiency and safety. Our experienced team of offshore seismic operation engineers have...

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Seismic Brochure - 4

Safe deployment, equipment durability and transport of both energy and signal are all critical elements to successful seismic operations Armoured Tow Cables In 2001 Cortland was approached by a major seismic contractor to develop a next generation armoured tow cable with a significant reduction in diameter, yet retaining traditional tensile strength and fatigue performance. Working together with our suppliers we developed a specialized lubrication system that prevents corrosion and enhances fatigue for increased reliability and durability. The resulting cable has a 27% diameter reduction,...

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Seismic Brochure - 5

Cortland Armoured Tow Cable Key Advantages: • ensile > 2260N/mm2 T • roprietary cold drawn P Armour process • re forming of wires P • teel tube, gel filled, S for optics and signals Did you know: • ortland was the first to C develop, and patent, the hairy fairing on tow cables • ortland was the first to C develop the “skinny” tow cable, achieving 27% reduction in cable diameter while maintaining strength ductility and functionality

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Seismic Brochure - 6

Cortland has been involved in key technology breakthroughs which enable the deployment of today's arrays Nodal Technology Recent developments in ocean bottom data collection techniques have led to self-contained cable-less seismic monitoring “Node” stations that are deployed onto the ocean floor and then recovered to download collected data. Working with our partners, Cortland has developed a terminated deployment rope with the correct balance of: weight for fast deployment, tensile strength for heavy loads, precise length for correct nodal spacing, and quick connect/disconnect terminations...

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Seismic Brochure - 7

Connector reliability is important in adverse conditions and limited access applications Electro Magnetic Towed Power Cables The combination of conventional seismic and electro magnetic (EM) surveys has proven to increase accuracy of seismic interpretation. Cortland has manufactured EM power cables for both deep and shallow water towing from the very start of this technology. Airgun Terminations Umbilicals can be fully terminated ensuring the successful transfer of the tow loads while offering protection to the electrical, optical and pneumatic interfaces. Termination options include subsea...

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Seismic Brochure - 8

The technological use of blended synthetic fibres produces tow rope and straps with optimal characteristics for seismic exploration Cortland offers a selection of purpose engineered tow ropes and straps for the seismic industry. Our numerous manufacturing partners also allow us to select the fibre best suited for your application. HMWPE (High Molecular Weight Polyethylene), Aramid, LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer) and Polyamid families of fibres are all available. Cortland can even blend these materials to accomplish optimal characteristics for the intended purpose. Ropes With unlimited length...

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Seismic Brochure - 9

Deflector Straps Cortland Key Benefits: • ntegrated PVC fairing I • ow friction material in eye L pads to protect against wear and ensure movement on spools • lend of HMWPE and Aramid B load bearing • ength tolerance : +/- 5mm L • verbraided jacket to O remove “slamming” and reduce abrasion Options: • mproved cut resistance I 5-10x by additional synthetic armouring • ntegrated backup strap I • et of straps with stiffness S optimized design for reduced fatigue exposure on deflector • ully proof load tested and F certified, with "as built" length verification

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Seismic Brochure - 10

Engineering to meet fatigue and strength challenges in any tow configuration Super Wide Tow Rope Probably the most critical rope within the seismic array, super wide tow ropes need to cope with high levels of tension-tension and cyclic bend fatigue. Two major elements to consider when choosing a super wide tow rope: Rope Construction This has to be a balance between efficient fiber use, flexibility, spliceability and total structural rope integrity. These factors are especially critical as ropes get larger to cope with the new types of paravanes coming onto the market. Cortland’s patented...

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Seismic Brochure - 11

Every Cortland solution is unique and developed in close partnership with our customer Front End Ropes Whether it's separation ropes, spur lines, dilt float ropes, deflector lifting ropes or 3-eye splices, Cortland ropes are ready for deployment upon delivery. Braided or foiled fairings are also available and we can even create specialty ropes that achieve a combination of stretch and low elongation. Deflector Straps As deflector doors get larger, accurate positioning and durability become more critical for deflector straps. Cortland straps can be specifically designed to the load and...

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Seismic Brochure - 12

ASIA PACIFIC - Singapore Tel: + 65 6515 4971 Cortland is driven by innovative thinking, use of high technology materials and attention to detail. Our in-depth understanding of demanding operational environments means we can deliver trusted, proven solutions to our customers worldwide. Today, Cortland provides innovative, efficient and lightweight rope, slings, cables and umbilicals; along with mooring design, analysis and installation services to the oil and gas, heavy marine, subsea, ROV, seismic, defense, aerostat and medical markets. Cortland is a part of...

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All Cortland catalogs and brochures

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