Catalog excerpts

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Two leading brands offer the unique combination of both rope and endless sling solutions through one global specialist As an originator of fiber braiding technology, Cortland has over 25 years experience engineering certified synthetic lifting sling solutions that safely and efficiently perform to exacting standards. CERTIFIED RELIABILITY - Cortland fiber slings adhere to DNV, ASME and other key standards. All slings are tagged appropriately and backed by extensive production process control documentation. Engineered and proof-loaded to meet precise length tolerances, each Cortland sling...
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Strength to Weight Comparison Laid Hand Spliced Cortland lifting slings allow operators to rig and lift in less time with greater safety and less damage to equipment TIME - Lightweight fiber slings offer significant reductions in rigging time and manpower. They are 1 /7th the weight of steel wire rope or more. In heavy lift projects, installation crews also receive savings in transportation and storage costs. HSE BENEFITS - Lightweight rope and round slings offer superior flexibility which translates into fewer rigging injuries. They are also soft of hand causing little damage to rigger or...
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Endless loop slings with high modulus synthetic fibers provide very low elongation, precise length tolerances and high strength performance ENGINEERED FOR PRECISION LIFTING - Cortland can solve your precision lifting problem. Our engineering and sales staff has the experience necessary to create a lightweight lifting sling from the extensive high modulus synthetic fiber options available. We understand the harsh marine working environment first hand and put this knowledge to work for you in creating a Selantic sling and associated hardware designed for your specific needs. SELANTIC SLINGS...
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CUSTOM PROTECTIVE COVERS - To protect potential chafe areas from wear, the selected core material is encased in a protective cover to ensure a durable and long-lasting lift solution. These tough and highly visible protective jackets can also be matched to your specific needs depending on environmental and usage considerations. SPECIALIZED HARDWARE - Cortland offers specialty compliant hardware engineering services with all products. Thimbles, shackles, hooks and spreader bars can all be custom engineered into the initial sling design. Ability to produce short length slings High strength...
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Specialty hardware and rigging solutions THIMBLES - SHACKLES - HOOKS & SPREADER BARS Operational simplicity and efficiency is our goal. Cortland offers a design service to ensure your complex lifting and load transfer operations are carried out efficiently and safely. Our designs include hardware such as integrated hooks, plate shackles, delta plates and spreader bars that can be directly connected to slings eliminating the need for extra shackles and master links. This can be critical when there are weight or lift height limitations.
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Selantic Slings Types, WLL and minimum recommended contact curvatures
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synthetic fiber rope slings Our patented Plasma® 12 x 12 braided construction creates extremely strong lifting slings that are very lightweight, flexible, non-marring and durable WORLD'S STRONGEST ROPE FOR ITS WEIGHT - Cortland's patented Plasma® rope is strong enough for very heavy lifts yet durable enough for repeated use. Our exclusive Plasma® technology processes HMPE fibers into maximum strength efficiency. These fibers are then braided into a torque-free rope. Plasma® low elongation properties, its high strength, flexibility and light weight make it a perfect replacement for large...
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PATENTED 12 X 12 STRAND CONSTRUCTION - The 12 x 12 rope construction design produces a finished braid which is firm yet flexible, and offers the ability to produce extremely long lengths. Utilizing the largest 12-strand braider in the world, Cortland can produce extremely large diameters (up to 200mm) and lengths of Plasma® rope. Fabricated into lifting slings, 12 x 12 construction produces a very compliant yet durable sling. EASY TO REPAIR AND INSPECT - Unlike heavy firm construction wire ropes and jacketed round slings, Plasma® 12 x 12 rope slings are extremely easy to inspect. Inspectors...
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specialty rope sling chafe solutions Adequate chafing protection is important for synthetic slings, and Cortland offers several different wear protection products Plasma 12 x 12 rope sling construction is highly advantageous for inspection and repair. However, to add extra chafe and cut protection to eye termination areas or on the sling body itself, Cortland offers a wide array of synthetic fiber options which range by price and performance. Cortland chafe sleeves can be replaced and work well on new or used rope. All options are available from the rope mill or authorized fabricating...
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Plasma® 12x12 rope sling specifications - vertical straight pull For a full chart of MBL, WLL and Cortland sling values in hitch configurations, please contact Cortland: cortlandcompany.com. Spliced Rope MBL (Minimum Break Load) is determined in accordance with C11500-02 Test Methods for Fiber Rope. Tests are conducted on new spliced rope in laboratory conditions, and therefore no further reductions in MBL are necessary to calculate vertical straight pull sling strengths. Testing method includes cycling the spliced rope sample ten times to 50% of MBL. Testing also assumes a pin diameter D:d...
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worldwide locations houston @ cortlandcompany.com ASIA PACIFIC - Singapore hoddesdon @ cortlandcompany.com aberdeen @ cortlandcompany.com NORWAY - Bergen Cortland is driven by innovative thinking, use of high technology materials and attention to detail. Our in-depth understanding of demanding operational environments means we can deliver trusted, proven solutions to our customers worldwide. Today, Cortland provides innovative, efficient and lightweight rope, slings, cables and umbilicals to the oil and gas, heavy marine, subsea, ROV, seismic, defense and medical markets. Cortland is a part...
Open the catalog to page 12All Cortland catalogs and brochures
8 Pages
Heavy Lifting
12 Pages
4 Pages
ROV Tethers Flyer
1 Pages
Cortland Brochure
12 Pages
Seismic Brochure
12 Pages
ROV Cables flyer
1 Pages