Contest 42S
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Catalog excerpts

Contest 42S - 2

SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERFORM Length hull I ength waterline Maximum beam Oral! Maiulaiil keel Ballast standard keel l oaded displacement mass Brail winged keel Ballast winged keel Masllieighl altovc wait time Mainsail Genoa I t reel> Genoa II I uelta nk Watenattk I •igitte. 4 cyl. Volvo Penta Dick Xaal Measurements arc taken front the commitilou and ate given In atiottlamc with the U- Norm ISO 8666. Contest Yachts are delivered with I loyd’s Certificate nl Hull Construction and are built to the CL directive.

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All Contest Yachts catalogs and brochures

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  3. Contest 44CS

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  5. 52mc

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  7. 72CS

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  9. 67cs

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  10. 57CS

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  11. 50CS

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  12. 45 cs

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  13. 42 cs

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Archived catalogs

  1. 45CS

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  2. 42CS

    9 Pages

  3. 67 CS

    16 Pages