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When Safety Matters

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Business Concept Consilium develops and markets advanced systems for Fire detection, Gas detection, the Navigation equipment such as radars, speed logs and VDR’s for marine applications. Systems and products Consilium is a high technogy company that offers its customers advanced systems solutions for marine applications. Investments in product development have increased sharply and new products continue to be introduced to the market. Operations Operations are international, no single country can be regarded as a home market. Consilium’s products are distributed on the marine market world...

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CONSILIUM MARINE GROUP Selesmar Radar Systems Selesmar Technologies Consilium Selesmar stands for innovation and was first company with high-resolution rasterscan ARPA radars. In addition the ECS technology was pioneered in the mid 1980's. During this period Selesmar became one of the world's first companies to deliver fully integrated navigation systems. Selesmar radars are well known for their modular design, high reliability and flexible interfaces. Over 5000 Selesmar radars have been installed on ships around the globle. The new Selux radar display is the 5 th generation ARPA display...

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SAL Speed Logs are well established in the marine industry. More than 7500 systems have been installed since the first SAL Log based on the acoustic correlation principle The acoustic correlation principle gives the possibility, pending on the selected model, to measure simultaneously Water Track Speed, Bottom Track Speed as well as Depth with just one sensor. The advantage of this technology means that only one hull penetration is required. This facilitates an easy design and reduces both installation and maintenance costs. Water Track Bottom Track Echo Sounder ConsiliumVoyage Data...

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Salwico Fire Detection Systems for Cargo vessels The CS4000 is our compact Fire Detection system, which is suitable for vessels in the merchant fleet.The system is a major enhancement of the well proven fire detection concepts incorporated in the CS4000 and the NSAC-I systems. CS4000 can be supplied either as an analogue addressable version or as a conventional (16-48 sections) version. It can be centralized or distributed and the operator's panel can be located remotely from the rest of the cabinet/system/central, which solves the lack of space on modern bridges. The combination of a big...

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CONSILIUM MARINE GROUP Consilium Safety Systems for Yac hts In order to meet the demands from our customers within the Yacht and MegaYacht segment Consilium can offer: - Combined Speed log andEcho Sounder (SAL TI or - Navigation radars - Fire and Gas detection systems Consilium can offer two Fire Detection solutions; One is the more sophisticated CS4000, an analogue addressable system with sensors indicating exactly where the fire is located.This system has a high degree of integrated safety and redundancy. The system has a very small operating panel, which can be fitted on the bridge...

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Salwico Gas Detection Systems Further strengthening Consilium's position as the world's largest supplier of gas detection system solutions, we see an increased demand for our products where our expertise and long-term support are a significant reason for choosing Consilium believes that a large organisation supporting all our activities, both centrally and locally, will be a deciding factor in the selection of supplier for a gas detection Apart from having a strong and competent sales organisation we also believe that customer feedback is an important factor for the development and support...

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Global Service and Support Consilium Marine Group Consilium Marine Group AB Consilium MarineAB Consilium NavigationAB China Sweden Marine Eqmt. HangXIng Business Building No 27, Lane 258 CaoXi Road Consilium GmbH Consilium Marine Hellas Consilium Marine Italy Srl. Consilium Nittan Marine Ltd Hatagaya Shlbuya-ku Consilium Marine Systems BV Consilium Marine Consilium Marine Korea Ltd. Room I I 36, Ocean Tower 760-2 Unit 45, Folkestone EntC Shearway Business Park Shearway Road Fort Lauderdale

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All Consilium Marine & Safety catalogs and brochures

  1. Mini-VDR

    2 Pages

  2. CD-F-300

    6 Pages

  3. CD-F-301

    6 Pages

  4. OPSIS M800

    4 Pages

  5. Radar

    8 Pages

  6. Icomera X6

    1 Pages

  7. ServoFighter

    4 Pages

  8. Salwico Gas

    4 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. S-VDR

    4 Pages