Consilium Selesmar ECDIS
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Consilium Selesmar ECDIS - 1

Consilium Selesmar ECDIS Going Places

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Consilium Selesmar ECDIS - 2

CONSILIUM SELESMAR ECDIS Consilium Selesmar ECDIS Consilium Selesmar ECDIS has been developed based on exten- sive experienceofaworld-classinnovativeengineeringteam with several"firsts"in maritime electronics within radar data proces- sing, radar data extraction, display presentation and electronic Consilium Selesmar ECDIS isfully compliant with the IMO Reso- Consilium Selesmar ECDIS isan extremely powerful navigation and information display system enabling radar video overlay. mariner with the complete navigational situation on one display eliminating the need to reference and appraise...

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Consilium Selesmar ECDIS - 3

CONSILIUM SELESMAR ECDIS Consilium Selesmar ECDIS operates with multifuelled ENC (S57) and raster charts in the following formats: Raster Charts - ARCS-British Admiralitycharts - NDI/BSB-raster charts by the hydrographical offices of USA - Seafarer-charts produced by the Australian Hydrographie Vector charts - Compatible with C-MAP world wide database Chart Updates/Corrections Associated chart update-correction service provides: - Instant update on board of ARCS, ENC charts via email - Easy accessand handling: installschartsalong a selected route, instantly switches between different chart...

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Consilium Selesmar ECDIS - 4

CONSILIUM SELESMAR ECDIS Accurate Realtime Positioning atotal navigationsituationappraisalandvitalvoyageinformation - Prima ryand Secondary Ship Position - ARPA Target Information. - AIS target information with call sign display. - Navtex information - Data from interfaced sensors - gyro, log, GPS, Echo sou nder, - Vessel Track. - Weather data. - Information relating to dangerous objects on charts. - Colour bearing lights sector displays. Radar overlay - Advanced image processing and numerous video control functions are available to give clear and precise radar picture presentation under...

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Consilium Selesmar ECDIS - 5

CONSILIUM SELESMAR ECDIS Route Planning – Mixgreatcircleandrhumblinelegs,enterdifferentturningradius values and select different XTE limits for each leg – Routecreationeitherbylatitude/longitudeco-ordinates,cursor, import or download from DGPS. – Multi route management. Display several routes. Create routes by selecting waypoint from any display route. Link or split routes, continue waypoint editing from any point. – Check the route for dangers and highlight them on the chart. – Routesimulation:passageplancalculatorincludingETA/TTGand required speed. – Check safety along the route in real...

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Consilium Selesmar ECDIS - 6

CONSILIUM SELESMAR ECDIS Weather Forecasts Consilium Selesmar ECDIS weather module displays different wather layers including wind force an direction, pressure, swell, Consilium Selesmar ECDIS weather module supports its own internal format GRIB data format and can import weather files from global meteorogical offices. Consilium Selesmar ECDIS enables search and rescue patterns /routes to be created in accordance with SAR search schemes recommended by the international SAR convention: - Expanding square - ParallelTrack/Creeping line. - Sector Search.. - Internet connection to read national...

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Consilium Selesmar ECDIS - 7

Networkand Data Sharing NumerousConsilium Selesmar ECDIS workstations may be net- worked and data shared between them providing: - All data input, including radar video can be broadcast over a networkallowing several Consilium Selesmar ECDISstationsto access the same data. - Dual ECDIS system: network based applications ECDIS master and ECDIS back-up share the same data (sensor data input, Alarms, Acitve Route and Way point, etc). - Installation in captains's cabin displaying the traffic. - Consilium Selesmar ECDIS may be installed in engine control - ECDIS data may be extracted and...

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Consilium Selesmar ECDIS - 8

Global Service and Support Consilium MarineGroup SWEDEN CHINA Consilium MarineGroupAB China Sweden Marine Eqmt. HangXing Business Building No 27, Lane 258 CaoXi Road Consilium GmbH Consilium Marine Hellas Consilium Marine Italy Srl. Consilium Nittan Marine Ltd Hatagaya Shibuya-ku Consilium Marine Systems BV Consilium Marine #11-04 FooWah Industrial Bldn. Consilium Marine Korea Ltd. Room 1136, Ocean Tower 760-2 Wool Dong,Haeundae-gu Shearway Business Park Fort Lauderdale Consilium Middle East (FZC)

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  5. Radar

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  7. ServoFighter

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Archived catalogs

  1. S-VDR

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  2. consilium

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