Catalog excerpts

G . MOULD ANCILLARIES . TRAINING . EQUIPMENT . TURNKtTisYSTEMS . TOOLING . MOULD ArfflSffWfTfS .GAINING The Injection valve links the Ciject injection machine to the inlet port of a typical closed mould. It ensures reliable and clean operation, straightforward isolation of the mould cavity, vacuum tight sealing and is easily cleaned as part of the normal machine cycle. In addition, the use of such a valve enables automation of the process and reduces the need for operator intervention. The overall design and careful positioning of the material ports, allows use in deep mould structures with limited access. A combination of innovative design, robust construction and highest quality components ensures excellent reliability with a wide range of resin types underthe harshest conditions. The valve is cleaned as part of the normal injection machine flush cycle. Once cleaned, the valve can be disconnected from the injection machine. Unit 1 Burraton Road Saltash Parkway Industrial Estate Saltash, Cornwall (^•COMPOSITE INTEGRATION
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Injection Valve Injection Valve options High temperature version Valve configured for use at temperatures up to 150°C (continuous use) or 180°C (short term use) Includes Torlon sealing tip, stainless steel shaft and high temperature air cylinder. Stainless steel shaft version Stainless steel shaft provides a very robust alternative to the standard shaft if regular dismantling is required. Stainless steel body version All parts contacting resin machined in Stainless Steel. Phenolic Compatible version Valve configured for use with phenolic resin/catalyst systems. Resin feed hose options Resin...
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Note: All specifications are subject to change without notice: To specify an injection valve configuration use the injection valve part number followed by the required option num- bers separated by a hyphen. e.g. XE-0015-01-12-25 A standard injection valve with a 1.5m resin inlet hose and control valve and fittings. Unit IBurraton Road (^COMPOSITE INTEGR ATIO N l,d Saltash Parkway Industrial Estate Saltash Cornwall 3» Z: Documents/lssued/DS-/DS-0014-A Issued by SB 18.03.14
Open the catalog to page 3All Composite Integration Ltd catalogs and brochures
In-Mould Air Ejector
1 Pages
Vacuum Equipment - Dry Vane
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RTM Light Tool Training
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Temperature Control Unit
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IMPS Equipment
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Mould Seals
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Mould Clamps
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Calibrated Sheet Wax
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Mould Inserts
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Ciject Five
5 Pages
Ciject Four
6 Pages
Ciject Three
1 Pages
15 Pages