Catalog excerpts

Ciject™ 4: Infusion equipment Page 1: Overview Ciject Four: Designed specifically for high volume ‘Direct Infusion’ process Based on the proven Ciject system the Ciject Four is based around a double pump system that can provide fluid output up to 20kg/min plus a level of process security during the infusion (each pump/mix head can be shut-down and flushed if necessary during the infusion) The machine is designed for use with multiple In-Mould Pressure Sensors (IMPS) The specification can be adapted and the control system can be configured to suit the particular parameters of the customer’s process. The Ciject Four is currently used to manufacture the worlds largest production infused yachts. Unit 1 Burraton Road Saltash Parkway Industrial Estate Saltash, Cornwall, UK, PL12 6AY +44(0)1752 849998 info@composite-integration.co.uk www.composite-integration.co.uk
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Ciject™ 4: Infusion equipment | 1. | CIJECT™ Four- RTM/VRTM Infusion dispensing Machine General Features: • Fully enclosed cabinet housing pumping system control system • Fully automatic mixing heads feeding into auto-manifold • Skid mounted with castors, fork lift and gantry lift points • Resin Inlets with cam-lock IBC connectors, large-bore in-line filters and in-line catalyst/hardener filters for easy cleaning with- • Low volume/high velocity mix-head and auto-manifold flush system to ensure simple and quick cleaning with minimum sol- vent use. 20 Litre non-pressurised solvent tank...
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Ciject™ 4: Infusion equipment Page 1: Overview Options: Motorised Catalyst/Hardener Ratio system (MCR) On-screen adjustment of catalyst/ hardener ratios System uses high quality Omron AC servo motor system with digital rotary encoder for continual position monitoring and origin detection. Auto origin function on machine start-up. Automatic motorized servo control of catalyst level; linked to recipes. Progressive catalyst injection for automatic control during injection of large components. Allows injection to start at one ratio and progressively increase during the injection to finish at a...
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Ciject™ 4: Infusion equipment ES , TRAINING . EQUIPMENT . TURNK^^YS I EMS . TOOLING . MOULD At^fi In-line Resin Heaters Stainless steel in-line fluid heaters with 2KW thermostatically controlled cartridge type elements. Solid State Relay switching reliable operation. Connection to injection machine 'pump run' signal to prevent overheating. PID temperature control with over-temperature alarm- adjustable up to 60°C. Dual display output showing actual and pre-set temperature. Catalyst/Hardener and Resin Flow Measurement System • A more sophisticated flow sensing system based on gear-type flow...
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Ciject™ 4: Infusion equipment ES , TRAINING . EQUIPMENT . TURNK^r^YS I EMS . TOOLING . MOULD At^fi SCADAdata monitoring option To provide hardware/software capability for monitoring and communication to an external data cap- ture system: • Citect run-time software and licence • Ethernet connection module Data capture can include: Infusion start time, end time Resin quantity infused (A, B, Total) Resin flow rate (A, B, Total, Moving average) Vacuum Levels (on-board, external) Resin Temperature Incoming Air pressure status Analogue IMPS sensor inputs (x 4) Additional thermocouple inputs (x 6)...
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Ciject™ 4: Infusion equipment ES , TRAINING . EQUIPMENT . TURNK^r^YS I EMS . TOOLING . MOULD At^fi To specify a machine configuration use the machine part number followed by the required option numbers separated by a hyphen. e.g. XE-4000-01-09-13 & XE-40000-SK-01 specifies a Ciject Four Polyester with Catalyst Monitoring option and SCADA option plus Note: All specifications are subject to change without notice: Unit 1 Burraton Road Saltash Parkway Industrial Estate
Open the catalog to page 6All Composite Integration Ltd catalogs and brochures
In-Mould Air Ejector
1 Pages
Vacuum Equipment - Dry Vane
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RTM Light Tool Training
2 Pages
Temperature Control Unit
2 Pages
Injection Valve
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IMPS Equipment
3 Pages
Mould Seals
2 Pages
Mould Clamps
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Calibrated Sheet Wax
1 Pages
Mould Inserts
3 Pages
Ciject Five
5 Pages
Ciject Three
1 Pages
15 Pages