Catalog excerpts
FastComposites Monthly Visit our new on-line hardware store: & follow the link CCI, now a J-30 Class Approved supplier Emergency Rudders a must... Inside this issue: your boat that is irjh: ard emergency rudder on board. Shou d yc.i damage your rud- der you will need an alternative safely back to shore. An emer- gency rudder is the most effec- "I'lie new rnihler tor my (' <<■ C 27 \IK 3 wux lutili in il iery high simulili i.h. Il i* unirli lighter i» ueighi mul •uronger hi eonslnii linn limn ihe •infiliti! milder. I mil vrrv Imppv wilh il and recommend CCI lor anv .sailor who lias the misiorliine of damaging 'his rudder. - Moluiiued Falnnv IC&C C&C2? Mki Rudder)
Open the catalog to page 1FastComposites Monthly Unmanned aerial vehicles 'or manned aircraft or survey CCI have been working vide key structural compo- nents for their UAV This util- izes CCI's unique lube manu- facturing process with simple These have already passed New premises and on-line store CCI started the new year in more varied. Recent articles:
Open the catalog to page 3CCI has been in existence for over 6 years, finrnter/v as Phil's Foils uni! we have a large following globally halli as a coal ninnai- io sailing communities and as a supplier io marine anil non-marine composite needs. We pride our- selves in offering something that meets vaar needs, noi -.vital someone thinks your needs migli! he. If you vaiti something <¡>eciul. litui is what we. are here Feel free to contact Sailing is your fun—we GET it.
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