Group: Centro Nautico Adriatico
Catalog excerpts

Scafo in vetroresina a doppia scocca rinforzata Double hull in polyester material Scafo in vetroresina a doppia scocca rinforzata Double hull in polyester material Sedile stampato in poliestere. Maniglie in acciaio inox. Block of passenger seat stamped in polyester. Sedile stampato in poliestere. Maniglie in acciaio inox. Block of passenger seat stamped in polyester. Pagaia in alluminio con pale in nylon. Handle in stainless steel. Canoe paddle in aluminum Pagaie in alluminio con pale in nylon. Handle in stainless steel. Canoe paddles in aluminum with shovel in...
Open the catalog to page 2
Motor Surf DPaddle obio Scafo in vetroresina a doppia scocca rinforzata Sedile stampato in poliestere. Motore a 2 tempi 2 Hp mod. AQUASCOOTER. Double hull in polyester material Block of passenger seat stamped in polyester. Motor type Aquascooter 2 Hp. Gasoline. L.f.t. m 3,85 Riserva di galleggiamento kg 180 B. max m 0,71 reserve bouyancykg 180 P. tot. kg 31+ 9 Double hull in polyester material Block of passenger seat stamped in polyester. Handle in stainless steel. Two porthole with vetrocamera Canoe paddles in aluminum with shovel in nylon. C.N.R. CRNTIERE NRUTICO sri Via Cagnona,913 M7030...
Open the catalog to page 3All CNA Cantiere Nautico catalogs and brochures
Pedal Boat CAPRI LINE 2019
36 Pages
phantom 16'
3 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
3 Pages
3 Pages
9 Pages
Archived catalogs
7 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
5 Pages