Yachts & Super Yachts
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Catalog excerpts

Yachts & Super Yachts - 1

There is no such thins as just... « GLASS & WINDOWS CJensen A/S Window Division

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Yachts & Super Yachts - 2

Ce nit it* ÍK y end iolKÍHy farm ih* msnceptwl bti* «f th* family ewntd Dartlih c&mpativ CC. Jentid A/Sj *iUbliib*tl h 19Í3. Originally di* iompany wei mernlfartliring I lit ri tí Ling All Flrl-ro For miint on¡fin*S i cid in production ihip wiridriwi and »nd rjiEed hrevy elom-mü wji jddcd. T-ic dos-rr rionnecti-on lo the mniibrnc world hai Frani the very beginning T vm cur company in international peripecti™ with j iel up of buiineii partner! world wide Any project or itlc «I C-C. Jenjen A/| ire taped Upon un ttwuntnt aí th* CUI- («ntcfi lindi lit *rd*r lo d*v*l*-p th* oprJimnn n>lutl*n tnd...

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Yachts & Super Yachts - 3

GLASS TECHNOLOGY AND KNOW-HOW Through many years of expertise we have accumulated substantive know-how to recommend glass applications such as: • double glass - laminated giass • coloured glass - sun reflective glass " bullet-proof glass * noise reductive glass * fire retardant glass with wheel m ark approval • thermally toughened glass - chemically toughened glass * heated glass • privante glass • bio clean glass - invisible shield glass

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Yachts & Super Yachts - 4

CURVE & SLIDE STRAIGHT INTO THE SUN sliding doors OC- Jensen is A market leader in design ana development of wedtho Liuht cxrenir.r -¡JtfJinS doors The know-how ts gai tied íhrough deliveries to some of the mosl known players in ihe market pminicA, powder r. anted or high-paliahed jrccrrting; to yard aw c«m>n »p«cilicinoo- ■HSi Applications iccordifij to the yard ind ENLIGHTING GATEWAYS Looking inside The sliding door unit is developed to the highest esthetical demands and user-friendly functionality high-polished or filled, grinded dnd painted one unii with one or more moving and/or fixed...

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Yachts & Super Yachts - 5

MORE PRODUCTS & DESIGN - a corridor of daylight VARIOUS PRODUCTS & DESIGNS - advanced glass & frame solutions C C. Jfmw tui iniulled iif»derwflier llgkrs onbûvd *Prino«i Maifjr.n.

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Yachts & Super Yachts - 6

C.C.JENSEN REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - ba sed on know-how,experience and training

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Yachts & Super Yachts - 7

Contact details: Window Division e-mail: windov/siS'acdl - general specifications for glass and frame constructions - general specifications fot sliding, door - your neut project meeting M timber of Danish Marine Group Member of Danish Cruise and Ferry Group Strategic collaboration partner: www,nemtech-dl<

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All CJC Windows catalogs and brochures

  1. ES glass

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