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Cassens & Plath GmbH Reflexions-Kompassanlage fiir weltweite Fahrt REFLECTA/1 is a reflector compass binnacle for worldwide use. It meets European MED (“Wheelmark“) approval and all important international specifications. Included in the range of delivery are all necessary components as magnetic reflector compass, azimuth device, reflection tube, correctors (only Flinder's bar as extra), illumination, emergency illumination, installation material, manuals & individual certificate. Instead of a vertical reflection tube a horizontal by-pass of max. 2 m of length can be fitted. If a longer by-pass is required choose REFLECTA/2. REFLECTA/3 is a smaller type of reflector compass binnacle with compass card of 160 mm 0 also for worldwide use acc. to regulations. REFLECTA/4 and REFLECTA/5 are models for coastal navigation only with short binnacle columns and without bearing arrangement. Azimuth Device Peilvorrichtung With black mirror Mit Schwarzspie-and shadow pin. In gel und Schatten-box. Acc. to stiff Im Kasten. ISO 25862. Nach ISO 25862 Bei REFLECTA/1 handelt es sich um eine Reflexions-Kompassanlage fur weltweite Fahrt. Sie entspricht euro-paischer MED („Steuerrad“) Zulassung und allen wichtigen intemationalen Vor-schriften. Enthalten sind alle wesentlichen Komponenten: Magnet-Reflexions- kompass, Peilvorrichtung, Reflexions-rohr, Korrektoren (nur Flindersstange als Extra), Beleuchtung, Notbeleuchtung, Befestigungsmaterial, Dokumentation & individuelles Attest. Statt des vertikalen Reflexionsrohrs kann ein horizontaler Umlenkungskanal mit maximaler Lange von 2 m verwendet werden. Bei Umlenkungen langer als 2 m muss REFLECTA/2 eingesetzt werden. REFLECTA/3 ist kleiner, Kompass mit 160 mm Rosen-0. Weltweite Zulassung auch hier. REFLECTA/4 und REFLECTA/5 sind Varianten mit kurzeren Standsaulen und ohne Peilmoglichkeit nur fur die Kusten-navigation. Alterations/Errors reserved/Anderungen/Fehler vorbehalten

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Range of Delivery Compass binnacle made of AlMg alloy with seawater resistant fittings, flaps for light, reflection optics and corrector magazines 4 oblong holes in the base for A-error correction 1 rim ring with two PTFE bearings mounted 1 hood without aperture 1 electrical light with junction box, bulb E14-type, 40 VA, 230 VAC or acc. to ship`s main voltage 1 electrical emergency light same as above, 24VDC or as ships emergency voltage 1 set of fastening material comprising: 4 bolts M16, 4 washers with rubber gasket, 4 nuts for fixing 2 full size D-spheres (Ø 180 mm) of soft iron with...

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Reflection Arrangement Optical arrangement below the compass binnacle for reading of the heading at the helmsman´s position in the wheelhouse. Comprises lenses and mirrors for magnification of the image and the rotatable mirror head with aperture. The simple vertical reflection tube can be made as CUTUBE- or FIXTUBE-reflection tube. The mirror head is extendable by 150 mm. An optical by-pass is necessary in case the helmsman´s position is not right below the binnacle. An extendable mirror head is available as an option. CUTUBE oder FIXTUBE Reflexionsrohr If the dimensions a) to g) are not...

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Outline Dimensions Abmessungen ( Flinder´s bar as an option only/Flinders Stange nur als Extra lieferbar) Card Leve Rosenebene l Height of Binnacle Column The binnacle can be delivered in various card heights above deck level according to the necessary iron safe distance. The standard height is 1200 mm. The card height as extra can be 910, 1000, 1050, 1410, 1500, 1700, 1800 mm. Please state required card level with order (dimension j of the questionnaire). REFLECTA/1. Binnacle column height, short. No.10024v Höhe Standsäule Die Kompass-Stände können je nach Radius der Eisenfreizone in...

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All Cassens & Plath GmbH catalogs and brochures


    2 Pages

  2. Pelorus

    2 Pages

  3. Signals

    2 Pages

  4. DELTA

    2 Pages

  5. BETA

    2 Pages

  6. CROSScourseV

    2 Pages

  7. SENSOcourse

    2 Pages

  8. CAMcourse

    4 Pages

  9. TRUEcourse

    4 Pages

  10. NEMAcourse

    2 Pages

  11. NETcourse

    2 Pages

  12. EPR-El-1

    2 Pages

  13. IOTA1

    2 Pages

  14. Walker 2050

    2 Pages

  15. REFLECTA/5

    2 Pages

  16. REFLECTA/4

    2 Pages

  17. REFLECTA/3

    4 Pages

  18. REFLECTA/2

    4 Pages

  19. Clinometer

    1 Pages

  20. Chronometers

    1 Pages