Catalog excerpts
OUR SERVICES SOLUTIONS FOR N AU TI C A L I N D UST RY DESI G N Calistri snc is able to design doors and We offer to our customers a wide What made us popular are the results range of products, machineries and we accessories for nautical industry. new wireproof watertight doors and the requests of the clients. Starting from Our products stand out for the use of hatches, which passed the hard tests the on-site gathering of the measures high quality materials, for the accuracy of MED certifications with extremely and the definition of the construction of the manufacturing process and for reduced specifications, up to the development of the compared to the market standards. hatches in general, also B15 and A30 fire protection certified, and A60 water and weather tight certified, in accordance with the technical drawings to be submitted to the client for examination and approval. P RO DU CT IO N The single batches are produced with many options of design obtained in thicknesses designing and weights customization. The Our designers are constantly involved superyacht producers have chosen us in research and development activity as a qualified supplier. most important yacht and to bring innovative products. technology special care for all the production phases, in order to obtain products that innova tion can guarantee a perfect correspondence to the design specification. V ia del Redol one 57/ A 51030 S erravall e P ist oi ese (P T) - ITA LY T el: (+ 39) 0573 527023 Fax: (+ 39) 0573 520298 e -m ai l: i nf o@c alist risnc .com
Open the catalog to page 1A60 CLASS DOORS CHARACTERISTICS MED Certification WATERTIGHT ensured with 4 m water head hydrostatic test Max dimensions 1970 x 650 mm Thickness 100 mm Weight 165 Kg B15 CLASS DOORS CHARACTERISTICS MED Certification WATERTIGHT ensured with 4 m water head hydrostatic test Porthole in Pyrobel 12 glass Thickness 65 mm Left/Right opening 90°/180°
Open the catalog to page 2gg A 3 0 C L A S S H AT C H E S CHARACTERISTICS MED Certification WATERTIGHT ensured with 4 m water head hydrostatic test Max dimensions 800 x 800 mm Thickness 80 mm Weight 97 Kg A 1 5 C L A S S H AT C H E S CHARACTERISTICS MED Certification WATERTIGHT ensured with 4 m water head hydrostatic test Only measure 507 x 507 mm foldaway extern or hinges ones for teak coverings
Open the catalog to page 3S P EC I A L A N D C U STO M S D ES I G N S Our internal techical department will be pleased to help our customers to find the perfect solution to any particular need. All our products can be produced with custom finishes. C E R T I F I C AT I O N S Our doors are approved by RINA supervisors according feel safe. On our customers' demand we have our product certified to EU Marine Equipement Shipping (ABS) standards. Directive MED 96/98 EC to In both cases a supervisor from certifying agency guarantee the adequate level visits our company and verifies the compliance of of security in the...
Open the catalog to page 4