Catalog excerpts

HULL DATA Length overall, Loa Length between perpendiculars, Lpp Breadth, B Depth, D Draft, design TD Draft, scantling TS Deadweight GT Conract speed Main engine Engine type Rated output RPM Crew 189,90 m 182,00 m 32,24 m 17,10 m 9,70 m 10,15 m 33400/35750 t 34000 15,0 knots MAN-B&W 6S50MC-C7 8600 kW 121 30 persons
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Class of ship, flag, rules and regulations Class: Bureau Veritas I+HULL+MACH Special service - fruit juice carrier Unrestricted navigation Stainless steel tanks, min. temp. -lOoC, max. s.g. 1.052 in cargo tanks in holds nos. 1,2,4 and 5, max. s.g. 1.34 in cargo tanks in hold no. 3 MON-SHAFT, INWATERSURWEY Flag: Liberia 0. Marine Authorities of Flag State (Liberia) 1. International Convention on Load Lines 1966, as amended. 2. International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, Protocol 1978, with all Amendments as specified in the Shipbuilding Contract.
Open the catalog to page 4
3. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 1973 and Protocol 1978, including Annex I, IV and V, and VI (NOx emissions). 4. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972, 1981 and 1987 Amendments. 5. International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969. 6. US Coast Guard (USCG) Rules and Regulations for Foreign Vessels operating in the Navigable Waters of the United States, (CFR Title 33 – Navigation and Navigable Waters, Part 155, 156, 159, and 164, with letter of compliance, without certificate nor inspection). 7. Regulations...
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13. International Labour Organisation (ILO), Accommodation of Crews 14. ILO Convention NO 152. Occupational Safety and Health in Dock Work, (Supplementary Provisions). Convention 1970. 15. IMO Resolution A708 (17), Navigation Bridge Visibility and Function. 16. IMO Resolution A 468(XII), Noise levels on board ship 17. IMO Resolutions for Navigation Equipment, A.223(VII), A.224(VII), 18. IEC Publication 92, Electrical Installation on Board Ship ■ The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) ■ ILO Convention No. 141 Control of Harmful noise in Crew Accommodation &...
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ISO 8861, Shipbuilding - Engine Room Ventilation in Diesel Engine Ships. IMO Guidelines for Ballast Exchange Procedures. International convention of Antifouling systems European Union Marine Equipment Directive (MED). IMO Resolution MSC 215(82) - PSPC (the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for dedicated sea water ballast tanks). US Department of health and Department of agriculture as relevant for foreign flag vessels IMO Resolution MSC 194(80), Damage stability
Open the catalog to page 7
General plan of the ship: The Vessel and her equipment will be suitable for world-wide service, for transporting □ non concentrated juice (NFC), S.G. 1.052, transported at temperature -1 deg. C, □ concentrated juice (FCOJ), S.G. 1.34, transported at temperature -10 deg. C. The Vessel will be driven by single screw diesel propulsion unit and will have engine room located aft. She will have upper deck and shelter deck in central part, forecastle, bulbous bow, transom stern and underhung semibalanced rudder with horizontal coupling for rudder stock. Wing and double bottom tanks are utilised as...
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