CC Antifouling
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Catalog excerpts

CC Antifouling - 1

La gamma completa di antivegetative The complete range of antifouling paints MADE IN ITALY SINCE 1831

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CC Antifouling - 2

ANTIVEGETATIVE / ANTIFOULING / Antivegetativa a matrice dura ad alto contenuto di rame Hard matrix antifouling with high copper content Peinture antifouling matrice dure à concentration élevée de cuivre Antivegetativa autolevigante ad elevate prestazioni per imbarcazioni a vela e motore High performance self-polishing antifouling for sailing and motor boats Peinture antifouling auto-polissant, performance élevée pour voilier et bateaux moteur PIRATE PLUS Antivegetativa autolevigante a base di rame Self-polishing copper-based antifouling Peinture antifouling auto-polissant à base de cuivre...

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CC Antifouling - 3

Antivegetativa top quality a matrice dura per protezione multistagionale Top quality hard matrix antifouling for multi-seasonal protection Peinture antifouling matrice dure d’excellente qualité pour une protection ultime Antivegetativa con innovativa tecnologia SPC Self-polishing antifouling with innovative SPC technology Peinture antifouling auto-polissant avec la technologie innovante SPC ORION EXTRA Antivegetativa top quality autolevigante per protezione multistagionale Top quality self-polishing antifouling for more than one season Peinture antifouling auto-polissant à très fort pouvoir...

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CC Antifouling - 4

BoeroBartolomeo KpA 16121 Genova - Via Macaggi, 19 - Tel. +39 010 5500.1 - Fax +39 010 5500.291 - Follow us on DISTRIBUTION CENTRE 15057 Tortona (AL) - Locality San Guglielmo S.S. 211 Km 11 Tel. +39 0131 879748 - Fax +39 0131 879746

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