Catalog excerpts

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2 | USES AND BENEFITS OF NITROX | PE NITROX SYSTEMS BAUER KOMPRESSOREN BAUER PE-NITROX – SECURITY WITHOUT COMPROMISES For divers, nitrox gas has plenty of advantages compared to “normal” breathing air: longer no-stop times, less nitrogen saturation in the blood, and accordingly less exhaustion and faster recovery after a dive. However, using oxygenenriched gas is a safety-critical procedure, and the strictest safety standards must be applied to both the equipment and its operation. The B-NITROX concept was developed by BAUER KOMPRESSOREN, market leader in the diving sector. B-NITROX sets...
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BAUER KOMPRESSOREN PE-NITROX SYSTEMS | USES AND BENEFITS OF NITROX | 3 BAUER – THE SAFETY-CONSCIOUS CHOICE Dive4Life, Germany’s biggest indoor diving pool, now offers a new and extremely attractive service: divers can now dive there with nitrox. Manfred Narres, owner and managing director of the premium location, insisted on a BAUER B-NITROX system with TÜV SÜD certification, reflecting his top priorities of safety for his customers and staff, plus a bsolute reliability of the compressor systems in use at his dive centre. BAUER nitrox systems produce breathing air mixtures with oxygen...
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4 | FEATURES AND HIGHLIGHTS | PE-NITROX SYSTEMS BAUER KOMPRESSOREN The challenge is clear: reliable supply of nitrox 365 days a year, around the clock, without the need for outside oxygen logistics. BAUER’s solution was to design a complete membrane system. BAUER supplies a perfectly coordinated turnkey system including all components from a single source, from the company’s own ROTORCOMP screw compressor and the O2 membrane to a custom nitrox compressor for compressing the nitrox mixture with oxygen content of up to 40 percent. Produces nitrox mixtures Reduces CO2 Compresses the nitrox...
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BAUER KOMPRESSOREN PE-NITROX SYSTEMS | FEATURES AND HIGHLIGHTS | 5 BAUER KOMPRESSOREN PE-NITROX SYSTEMS | FEATURES AND HIGHLIGHTS | 5 TAILOR-MADE FOR NITROX For your safety, all BAUER B-NITROX Compressors are equipped with temperature sensors after each compressor stage and in the oil and water separator. To minimize reaction times - and thus maximize safety - if system temperatures rise, the temperature sensors are integrated into the gas flow and monitor its values directly. All components and oils have been designed and tested for use in high-oxygen environments. Continuous monitoring of...
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BAUER KOMPRESSOREN 6 | MEMBRANE UNIT | PE-NITROX SYSTEMS BAUER’s nitrox membrane system is a compact, safe way of producing breathing air mixtures with oxygen content of up to 40 percent. All components are exactly matched for maximum safety. The system is designed for reliable nitrox supply to stationary professional diving centres, safari boats, liveaboards, yachts and cruise ships and for commercial diving missions. The B-NITROX membrane system is ideal for professional diving centres that prioritize safety, high charging rates, low maintenance and low operating costs. Screw compressors...
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BAUER KOMPRESSOREN 8 | PE-NITROX COMPRESSORS | PE-NITROX SYSTEMS The compressor is the heart of any nitrox system. This is where the oxygen-enriched gas is compressed to a pressure of 200 bar. If heated and pressurized oxygen comes into contact with oil, things can get critical. BAUER therefore developed the OX compressor family tailored to nitrox compression, which easily fulfils the rigorous standards for this process -and gained the blessing of TUV SUD, the international technical testing and certification company. NONE PURER As a diver, you rely on pure breathing air. Because your...
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BAUER KOMPRESSOREN PE-NITROX SYSTEMS | PE-NITROX COMPRESSORS | 9 B-CONTROL MICRO The B-CONTROL MICRO is a modern, easy-to-use compressor control unit with colour display that provides intelligent control and safe monitoring of all basic functions. It is integrated into the PE-VE-OX systems. Interaction between user and control unit is user-friendly and logical. An extensive language selection is now available. ››Fully automatic monitoring of relevant parameters; compressor shuts down automatically if values exceed permissible limits ››Oil pressure monitoring protects against incorrect...
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10 | PE-NITROX SYSTEMS | ACCESSORIES BAUER KOMPRESSOREN CO2 UNDER CONTROL WITH AERO-GUARD There is no doubt that the CO2 level of the atmosphere is rising. This presents a problem for increasing numbers of breathing air filling stations, which can no longer automatically comply with the strict limit of 500 ppm specified in the DIN EN 12021:2014 Breathing Air Standard. This problem is particularly critical for nitrox membrane systems because of their design; the process of separating out N2t by the membrane increases not only the oxygen content in the nitrox mixture, but also the CO2...
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BAUER KOMPRESSOREN ACCESSORIES | PE-NITROX SYSTEME | 11 UNCOMPROMISING AIR QUALITY MONITORING The P-Purification systems integrated into the high-pressure compressor do an outstanding job of removing oil and moisture from the compressed air, with optional carbon monoxide (CO) removal. BAUER AERO-GUARD-OX efficiently removes CO2 from the air after its oxygen content has been increased by the membranes. However, adverse environmental factors such as excessive CO or CO2 levels may cause limit values to be exceeded if changing of the filter cartridge is inadvertently delayed. To combat this,...
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12 | PE-NITROX SYSTEME | ACCESSORIES BAUER KOMPRESSOREN THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR EVERY SITUATION BAUER’s extensive range of accessories enables you to customize your system to your personal needs – with B-KOOL for cutting filter cartridge costs, B-SECURUS for monitoring cartridge saturation, or AERO-GUARD-OX for CO2 adsorbtion where ambient limits are exceeded. MOISTURE? NO CHANCE! The B-SECURUS system monitors the saturation level of the filter cartridge(s) by measuring residual moisture in the compressed air of the molecular sieve of the P-Purification system B-SECURUS displays the current...
Open the catalog to page 12All BAUER KOMPRESSOREN GmbH catalogs and brochures
Bauer premium line
44 Pages
4 Pages
BAUER Accessory Systems
24 Pages
Accessories Catalogue 2017/2018
192 Pages
40 Pages
68 Pages
8 Pages
28 Pages
8 Pages
Oils, Accessory Overview
4 Pages
The B-Kool System
4 Pages
The VE Range
4 Pages