Catalog excerpts

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2 | EVO®-NK – NEW GENERATION OF COMPACT UNITS ROTORCOMP VERDICHTER EVO®-NK — SCREW COMPACT UNITS UNIQUE AND RELIABLE Our unique series of EVO® -NK compact units are oil-injected screw compressor modules that integrate the main parts of a compressor system. This solution is the best possible way to build a reliable, compact and cost efficient complete compressor package with ultimate efficiency, low noise and the highest quality standards. WHY TO USE EVO®-NK COMPACT UNITS? ››High operation reliability – designed for industrial applications and continuous operation ››Intake valve with control...
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ROTORCOMP VERDICHTER EVO®-NK - NEW GENERATION OF COMPACT UNITS | 3 TECHNICAL DATA Type Recommended motor power min.-max. kW hp Max. flow rate at 7 barg / 100 psig m3/min cfm Pressure range min.* - max. barg psig reduced maximum power and maximum rotation speed input at pressure below 7 barg.
Open the catalog to page 3
4 | EVO®-NK-G – NEW GENERATION OF COMPACT UNITS ROTORCOMP VERDICHTER EVO®-NK-G WITH GEAR DRIVE ALSO AVAILABLE WITH GEAR DRIVE For a number of applications the use of a gear driven air end is the best choice. We provide a complete range of robust, flexible and highly efficient built-in gear boxes for our oil injected air ends starting from EVO3-NK-G. ADVANTAGES OF OUR EVO® TECHNOLOGY ADVANTAGES OF OUR GEARBOX DESIGN ››New ROLLING PROFILE® – ultimate efficiency with reduced noise ››Low energy losses and low noise due to optimized gears and gearbox design ››Long life cycle due to increased...
Open the catalog to page 4
ROTORCOMP VERDICHTER EVO®-NK-G - NEW GENERATION OF COMPACT UNITS | 5 Recommended motor Max. flow rate Pressure rangepower min.-max. at 7 barg / 100 psig min.* - max. kW hp m3/min cfm barg psig * reduced maximum power input and rotation speed at pressures below 7 barg
Open the catalog to page 5
Open the catalog to page 6
ROTORCOMP VERDICHTER EVO®-NK-G – NEW GENERATION OF COMPACT UNITS | 7 YOUR CALCULATION ASSISTANT ROTORCOMP SIZING AIR SOFTWARE ››Recommends the most efficient EVO® types ››Calculates performance data ››Indicates technical limits ››Provides essential information for your drive ››Determines important data for your cooling system ROTORCOMP is one of the largest suppliers of oil injected air and gas ends and compact units to the world market. Concentrating on our core competence, the research, design, production and sales of oil injec ed screw compressors, we provide t our products exclusive to...
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INTERESTED IN ONE OF OUR PRODUCTS? CONTACT US - WE ARE HAPPY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE. ROTORCOMP VERDICHTER GmbH IndustriestraBe 9 82110 Germering | Germany Tel.: +49 (0)89 72409-0 Fax: +49 (0)89 72409-38 info@rotorcomp.de www.rotorcomp.de PRODUCT OVERVIEW EVO®-NK 01/2016 Subject to change without notice
Open the catalog to page 8All BAUER KOMPRESSOREN GmbH catalogs and brochures
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