Catalog excerpts

HARDWARE & MARINE COVERS CATALOGUE Technical Innovation and Service - The Fabric of Our Business
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Introduction Welcome to Bainbridge International's new Hardware & Marine Covers Catalogue - Your guide to the world’s leading range of sail and cover maker's hardware, tools, fabrics and accessories. Founded in 1917, Bainbridge International is one of the longest established sailcloth manufacturers in the world, with almost a century’s experience in developing and supplying the highest quality, highest performance materials and hardware to the marine industry. Our objective is to be the single point of contact for all your sailmaking needs. In addition to our high quality proprietary...
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Table of Contents Hardware - Pages 3 to 68 Battens & Batten Fixings, Slides, Hanks, Shackles & Cleats, Rings & Grommets, Headboards, Sail Tapes & Ropes, Insignia & Adhesive Materials, Webbing, Zip & Velcro, Thread & Seaming Tapes. Tools – Pages 69 to 84 Hot Knives, Scissors, Awls, Clamps, Splicing Kits, Hammers, Punches, Pattern Materials, Cleaners & Polish, Palms & Needles, Protectants & Repair Kits. Marine Covers – Pages 85 to 108 Solacryl Acrylic Cover Fabrics, Polyester Cover Fabrics, Track & Tapes, Fasteners, Boat Top Fittings & Accessories. Windows, Mesh & Fabrics – Pages 109 to 118...
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Marketing Support Order Online at www.bainbridgeint.com By logging on to www.bainbridgeint.com you can browse our online catalogue and trade e-commerce site, view live stock availability and up to the minute pricing. The products shown on our website also appear in our catalogues, however as we introduce new products, these appear first on the website. By using your unique and secure login details, you can place orders directly, reserve stock for quick delivery and benefit from emailed order confirmation. Marketing Support Bainbridge has always recognised that as a trade supplier, our...
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Batten Fixings Batten Tensioners & End Fittings 13 SDA Full Batten Fittings 14-15 Sail Hardware Outhaul Blocks & Clewboards 22 Headboard, Liners, Rivets 27 Tapes & Ropes Rings & Grommets Inox Pressed Ring System 40-41 Stainless Steel Rings 42-45 Rings & Snap Hooks 46 Webbing Materials Coloured Polypropylene Webbing 50 Sail Letters & Numbers 56-57 Seaming Tapes Seam Bonding Tape 59-61 Heminway & Bartlett Thread 65 "Anti-Wick" Thread & Bobbins 66 Hand Sewing Thread 67-68 Order Online: www.bainbridgeint.com
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Aquabatten-Pro 15mm Aquabatten-Pro Aquabatten-Pro are based on a combination of modern resin and laminate technology, and over 50 years of experience in batten manufacture and design. The extensive development programme behind these battens involved first identifying the optimum stiffness and taper for modern racing sails and then optimizing our time tested production system to use higher performance laminates. Compared to regular Aquabattens these designs provide increased stiffness by increasing thickness and save weight by reducing width. 15mm Aquabatten-Pro battens are available in 3...
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A full range of Aquabatten-Pro battens are also available in 25 and 30mm widths to special order. Position Inner Other lengths and widths are available to special order. All special order items are subject to minimum order quantities and lead times. Prices on application. Other lengths and widths are available to special order. All special order items are subject to minimum order quantities and additional lead times. Prices on application. Applications for Aquabatten-Pro Boat Size Upper Middle Lower Middle 3 Order Online: www.bainbridgeint.com
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10mm Dinghy Aquabattens® 10mm Leech Aquabattens Taper-laminated glassfibre Aquabattens have become recognized standard for the world’s racing dinghy sailmakers. Taper-laminated glassfibre Aquabattens have become recognized standard for the world’s racing dinghy sailmakers. • Standard Top battens are designed as full length battens for sails with a limited roach. • 10D Aquabattens are specifically designed as a lightweight, durable leech batten for dinghy sails, and are suitable up to a boat size of approximately 18 feet. • Stiff battens provide more support for sails designed with a larger...
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15mm Dinghy Aquabattens® 15mm Leech Aquabattens Taper-laminated glassfibre Aquabattens have become recognized standard for the world’s racing dinghy sailmakers. • 15D Aquabattens are designed as leech battens for large dingies, keelboats and smaller yachts up to 24ft. • 15DS Aquabattens have a softer tip to give better blend into sailcloth shape and to reduce the risk of "batten poke". • Where these battens are used as replacements in older design sails, which have 40mm/11/2" sail pockets,15DWEC endcaps may be preferred (see below). Taper-laminated glassfibre Aquabattens have become...
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Jib & Yacht Aquabattens® 10mm & 15mm Jib Battens Yacht Aquabattens The toughness and durability of this Aquabatten laminated strip makes it ideal for reduction of leech-flutter in jobs and can, with confidence, be sewn permanently into the sail. The toughness and durability of Bainbridge International's taperlaminated glassfibre sail battens has been proven over the 50 years plus since they were first introduced. Their design ensures that the shape that is so carefully built into the sail is maintained and, as a result, they are the discerning sailmaker's first choice. • Cut ends should be...
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Yacht Aquabattens® 30mm Soft Nose Aquabattens 30mm and 40mm Stiff Aquabattens • Stiff battens are designed for use in intermediate positions in the sail, where it requires more roach support, or alternatively for use in the top position in heavier weather conditions. • Soft Nose Battens are designed for racing sails, where the design incorporates long battens which extend well into the curved area of the sail. They are extra soft at the forward tip to improve the blend into the sail shape and to reduce the risk of "batten poke". • Prices do NOT include endcaps. • Prices do NOT include...
Open the catalog to page 11All Bainbridge international catalogs and brochures
140 Pages
31 Pages
BE1 Water Systems
124 Pages
BB2 Covermaking
63 Pages
BD1 Steering and Controls
112 Pages
BA1 Sailmaking
77 Pages
Full Length Battens
1 Pages
Sailman Update V1.1
16 Pages
Boat Top Fittings
7 Pages
7 Pages
Window Material
2 Pages
MPEX Spinnaker Fabrics
2 Pages
2 Pages
Marine Covers Supplement
32 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Sailcloth Update
44 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
Laminates Cruising Sailcloth
8 Pages