Catalog excerpts

All DIAX fabrics feature the ultimate combination of low stretch, light weight and excellent durability. ● Proven laminating technology: Specially developed adhesives optimise bond strength with minimal weight. ● Ribbon scrim technology: Scrim fibres are laid as flat tapes rather than round yarns to reduce thickness and improve adhesion. ● Zero crimp scrims: All scrims are formed by a bonding process that eliminates the crimp associated with weaving that results in stretch. ● Reduced hinging: The triaxial configuration reduces ‘hinging’, a known cause of laminate breakdown and shrinkage. ● Reduced film loading: Diagonal axis ribbons resist off threadline loads without relying on film. ● Available with Polyester, Pentex, Twaron and Carbon primary yarns.
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Technical Innovation and Service - The Fabric of Our Business With a full range of sailcloth, sailmakers hardware and a global sales and support network, Bainbridge is uniquely qualified and committed to supplying the world with the finest quality materials. Founded in 1917, Bainbridge International is one of the longest established sailcloth manufacturers in the world with almost a century’s experience in developing and supplying the highest quality, highest performance materials to the marine industry. Bainbridge has always been at the forefront of technical developments within the world...
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Open the catalog to page 3
The DIAX range of performance laminates from Bainbridge International has been designed to deliver the ultimate combination of light weight, low stretch and excellent durability that is sought by all racing sailors. All DIAX products are based on our scrim component technology. Flat, untwisted ribbons of fibre are formed into a number of scrims that maximise the performance of the yarn. In every DIAX fabric, a zero crimp warp/fill scrim resists primary and secondary loading. This is combined with a unique 45º diagonal axis scrim to reduce bias stretch. ● DIAX improves sail shape retention...
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Light, durable and efficient DIAX-OS-HMT: Twaron Component fibres are combined in scrims that benefit from the strengths of all the fibres used. High Modulus Twaron warps provide incredible strength in the primary load bearing axis and are used to resist fill High Modulus Twaron Warp Ribbons High Modulus Twaron Fill Ribbons Dyneema Ripstop Fill Ribbons Double Dyneema Diagonal Axis Ribbons loads, while alternate DIAX-OS-HMT styles Dyneema Diax scrim Film/Film Sandwich DIAX-LSP is a mid range laminate with a higher performance spec compared with DIAX-P, but without the expense of our higher...
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e laminates DIAX 2 DIAX 2 RACE (Film-on-Film) Bainbridge International has developed the DIAX 2 Race range of performance laminates specifically for cross cut panel configurations. DIAX 2 Aramid Clear DIAX 2 laminates take the DIAX concept to the next level by incorporating multiple layers of fibre. Two DIAX scrims are combined with a fill orientated 0/90 base scrim to provide six primary thread lines. This allows fibres to be aligned to load paths without the cost or complexity of radial panel design or flipping luff panels. On average, using DIAX 2 reduces cloth wastage by 15% and reduces...
Open the catalog to page 6All Bainbridge international catalogs and brochures
140 Pages
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BE1 Water Systems
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BB2 Covermaking
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BD1 Steering and Controls
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BA1 Sailmaking
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Full Length Battens
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Sailman Update V1.1
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Boat Top Fittings
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Window Material
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MPEX Spinnaker Fabrics
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Marine Covers Supplement
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Sailcloth Update
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136 Pages
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Laminates Cruising Sailcloth
8 Pages