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Brochure - 1

Alt.En : Company Alt.En, located in La Rochelle (France) on the western coast, has been founded in 1997 by people involved in nautical technology activities, and aims to develop and produce public transport ferry using alternative energy. Marine public transportation Technology survey Technology survey Battery pack Propulsion system Fuel cell To become a major European protagonist in marine public transportation using alternative energy, Alt.En has developed strong partnerships with leading companies in the field of electric propulsion. 52 rue Sénac de Meilhan 17000 LA ROCHELLE - France

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Brochure - 2

Public Transport Electric Boat Alt.En design and produce electric boats for public transport. Those cost effective units are drawn to respect the environment, to improve the well-being of passengers and to the ease of Why a fully electric boat ? Our fully electric powered boats use neither petrol nor any fuel ; they provide an all day service at authorized speed on river and sheltered water. The main property of a fully electric ship is to be respectful for the environment by avoiding any emanation of polluting or greenhouse gas, and by decreasing ambient noise level Our boats combine...

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Brochure - 3

To improve the boat range and running time, to be able to offer a full day of service in respect to the environment and with maximum comfort for passengers, many innovative ideas have been integrated into Alt.En design. Find below some of the features that make Alt.En boats efficient, cost effective, comfortable Enhanced hydrodynamic efficiency Reduced hull drag (using the latest CFD technology at design stage) Immersed electric engine. Using this technology, a very high efficiency is reached by removing needless transmission gears Reduced bow wave and wake at operating speed Custom...

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Brochure - 4

Alt.En boats are specifically designed for public transport , based upon two models of modular platforms fitted with customized superstructure and equipment. Alt.En products fit perfectly public transport projects, matching the latest concern of any transportation company or local community such as environmental aspects, passenger comfort, reduced operating and maintenance cost. Available area Battery technology Battery capacity Extra range Rapid charge extra range Full charge time Composite catamaran 2 azimuthing lifting pods 2h (with 9 m2 photovoltaic panel) Bureau Véritas Composite...

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Brochure - 5

The first electric boat for public transport "Le passeur" (The ferryman) is the result of new and original specifications never gathered together until that time. In 1998, Alt.En built a first electric boat for La Rochelle city harbor. It provide a shuttle service between the two sides of the old town harbor, where a 3 minutes trip allows a 45 minute walk to be saved. This small ferry has been such a success that a second unit has been launched in 2003 to face the increase of activity. Design and build following an innovative approach, "Le Passeur" currently operates yearly, seven days a...

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Brochure - 6

A new way to move into Paris The "Navette du Millénaire" (Millénaire Shuttle) provide a link between the subway station "Corentin Cariou" (line 7) and the 110 000 m2 of offices in the brand new "Parc du Millénaire" (Millenium park), every 10 minutes five days a week. Each of the two ferries sailing on the "Canal Saint Martin" can transport 75 passengers who really appreciate silence and comfort onboard Thanks to the power and maneuverability of the boats, drivers have no difficulty to sail in the narrow channel, whatever the weather is. The fast hook system combined with automatic doors...

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Brochure - 7

Press Review Saint-Denis, à Paris, à sa sortie du mm chantier Marc Pinta (notre édition S3 du 3 mai). Le bateau avait été ntr> à l'eau dans le bassin des ma Chalutiers et testé dans le chenal WÊ menant au vieux port, comme en Cette navette à propulsion électrique est la première de cette 4 û de cette capacité (75 passagers). BB j chantier naval rochelais. : Photo Dominique Jullian pêche UnîangoustmierpourLorient gantier Un cotier en bois i. Elfe empruntera le canal Saint-Deni DOSSIER NAUTISME La navigation sans pollution Address : 52 Rue Sénac de Meilhan 17000 LA ROCHELLE - France e-mail :...

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All Alternatives Energies catalogs and brochures

  1. 2019 EN

    6 Pages