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Catalog excerpts

CAST App - 1

CAST The App That Maximizes Your AIRMAR Products The Airmar CAST™ App connects directly from iOS and Android™ Smart devices to Airmar’s Bluetooth® enabled 300WX WeatherStation®, DST810, DX900+ Smart™ Multisensors and SmartBoat® System modules. Airmar CAST connects using Bluetooth Low Energy to your Airmar product and makes configuration simple with intuitive menus and guided calibration. View data from the sensor or module in digital or graphical format, quickly turn on or off NMEA 2000® PGNs, configure offsets and more. CAST for Marine Products: When used with Airmar’s DX900+ or DST810 multisensors, the CAST app provides a simple and consistent way of calibrating speed and depth and configuring NMEA 2000® data. Calibrations and configuration changes are stored in the Airmar Multisensor and delivered to the onboard network. The CAST app displays real time, speed-through-water, depth and water temperature data in a digital or graphic format. Simple offsets can be applied to compensate for the depth below keel or depth from surface. • CAST with DST810: – CAST provides a consistent and reliable way to calibrate basic and h eel-compensated speed-through-water with a step-by-step guided process. – For advanced speed-through-water calibration, CAST allows you to manually enter data for up to four heel angles and up to ten speeds. Prior to CAST, this feature was only available on the market through expensive PC software. • CAST with SmartBoat: – SmartBoat Modules can be paired with the CAST app to quickly gain access to the SmartFlex™ View configuration software hosted in each module. CAST with 300WX WeatherStation® Instruments: – Graphically or numerically display weather data on customizable screens – Easily select output protocols, configure sensors and data rates – Update firmware remotely Shown with 300WX WeatherStation data Note: Actual screen appearance and data availability may vary depending on the model of Airmar product it is connected to. CAST™ The innovative App for allowing users to c alibrate, configure and view sensor data

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CAST App - 2

DST810: Calibrate speed at 5 heel angles and up to 10 speeds DST810 and DX900+: Display data / gauges DST810 and DX900+: Configure outputs DST810: Configure offsets and calibrate attitude CAST connects to: DST810, DX900+, SmartBoat Modules, and 300WX WeatherStation Instruments 300WX WeatherStation: Select output protocols and data rates DST810: Calibrate basic or heel compensated speeds with DST810 connectivity 300WX WeatherStation: Configure sensors for possible power c onsumption improvements Note: Actual screen appearance and data availability may vary depending on the model of Airmar...

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All Airmar catalogs and brochures

  1. DX900+

    2 Pages

  2. SS510 Survey

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  3. TM165HW

    2 Pages

  4. G2183

    2 Pages

  5. Thru-Hull

    6 Pages

  6. EchoRange

    4 Pages

  7. M563

    2 Pages

  8. TM260

    2 Pages

  9. M260

    2 Pages

  10. P74

    2 Pages

  11. B744V B744VL

    2 Pages

  12. TDT1000

    2 Pages

  13. 110WX, 200WX

    4 Pages

  14. WXS Series

    2 Pages

  15. 200WX-IPX7

    2 Pages

  16. 220WXH

    4 Pages

  17. T80

    2 Pages

  18. P8 Thru-hull

    2 Pages

  19. P7 Thru-hull

    2 Pages