Catalog excerpts

Trailers & Docks Access trailers and modular docks enable sailing activities to be easily conducted almost anywhere there is sufficient water. Trailers Two single-axle trailer configurations are available to store and transport a combination of Access sailboats and support equipment like the C-Crane, modular docks or safety boat. 3-boat Trailer - The 3 boat trailer can be towed by the average family sedan. Centreboards and rudder blades are stored on the lower deck. Combo Trailer - Carries up to 6 boats, or 4 boats and an inflatable support boat with motor, or 4 boats and a modular dock system. A wide variety of combinations are possible. The C-Crane can be mounted on the rear corners to assist in transferring centreboards and sailors. Modular Dock & Pontoon System - Provides for the transferring of sailors from wheelchairs and makes life easier for helpers - Allows boats to operate from deep water and makes keel handling easy - Is easily disassembled for storage and transport - Two systems are available - the "T" Dock and "H" Dock The "T" Dock has one main float with the walkway attaching at its centre. T ramps and walkways are also in two variations, the modular fibreglass walkway in 4 metre sections used in near horizontal situations off a beach, along with a 4 metre fibreglass or 6 metre alloy ramp for use off low walls, banks or jetties. The "T" Dock has one main float so is lighter and easy to assemble and is well suited to mobile and portable use. The "H" Dock uses two main floats and will support additional weight. It takes just a little longer to assemble than the “T” and is more appropriate where ramp angles are experienced or for semi permanent installations. The "H" has two main floats with the walkway or ramp pivoting on the rear of the two alloy tubes which connect the two floats. Between these two tubes is a fiberglass bridge deck providing a level working platform.
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shore system
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