
CASE STUDY: THE SPIRIT OF HUNGARY RACE SAILING PROJECT Led by sailor and boat builder Nándor Fa, Team Fahajó began building their full-carbon, 60 foot (18.3 meter) racing yacht in April 2012 and plans to launch the vessel by May 2013. Upon completion, the team will compete in five IMOCA World Champion Series races, the last of which is the Vendée Globe 2016-2017 – a 25,000 mile, single handed, non-stop race around the world. ZOLTEK™ Corporation is sponsoring this project and supplying the carbon fiber needed to construct the racing vessel. The entire hull and the mast will be built with ZOLTEK PX35, ZOLTEK’s primary carbon fiber product. CARBON FIBER USED ZOLTEK supplied all the carbon fiber needed to construct this racing vessel. The entire hull and the mast was built with ZOLTEK PX35. Uni-directional and Multi-Directional carbon fiber fabrics were used for the lower hull of the deck, the beams, the keels, and the rudders – this comprises 70% of the carbon fiber used. The remaining 30% is used in the interior structure and dividing walls, which was constructed from uni-directional and multidirectional fabrics with vacuum infusion. By using ZOLTEK PX35 carbon fiber, Nándor Fa expects his finished vessel to weigh 30% lighter than same sized boats built with traditional materials such as fiber glass. MARINE PRODUCTS MULTI-DIRECTIONAL FABRICS ZOLTEK’S Multi-Axial Fabric is produced from our ZOLTEK PX35 continuous carbon fiber tow. Quick composite part build-up is cost effectively achieved with our range of low-cost carbon fabric products. Engineers and designers take advantage of the directional stiffness of this carbon fiber fabric when planning the part layup. SI Tensile Strength Tensile Modulus Electrical Conductivity Density Fiber Diameter ZOLTEK | 3101 McKelvey Road, Bridgeton, MO 63044 P: 314-291-5110 | F: 314-291-8536 | ww
MARINE PRODUCTS UNI-DIRECTIONAL FABRICS ZOLTEK PX35 Stitch-Bonded Uni-Directional Carbon Fabrics are produced from our 50K Continuous Tow Carbon Fiber. Unique fiber spreading techniques are utilized to obtain a wide range of UD fabric weights for a varied set of composite part applications. ZOLTEK PX35 fabrics can be used to produce carbon fiber composite parts including hulls and decks for marine vessels. SI Tensile Strength Tensile Modulus Compressive Strength Compressive Modulus PREPREG TAPES ZOLTEK PX35 prepreg offers an efficient way to build parts for composite watercraft....
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