
ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS FA C T Field Assembled Cable Termination in 1-way thru 7-way configurations. elements used are based on fully qualified (FACT) from Teledyne ODI is a key enabling and field-proven sealing technologies, and upon ODI’s extensive experience operational depth and significantly increase the reliability of cable terminations. FACT is assemblies may be terminated directly to suited for Production and Infield Umbilical atmospheric enclosures or pressure balanced Termination, Drilling Controls, Installation/ dielectric fluid-filled splice canisters. The FACT penetrator assemblies have also been Umbilical Splices, Buoy End Terminations, designed with modularity in mind and may be Observatory Node Termination and Remote used with Teledyne ODI ancillary accessories to adapt to a wide array of interfaces. The FACT modularized system completely isolates the cable elements from the pressure- Teledyne ODI to factory build and test the balanced dielectric fluid-filled splice chamber majority of the termination assembly. As a and ambient subsea pressure using a high result, only cable breakout, soldering, and reliability penetrator assembly. The FACT encapsulation are preformed in the field, thus approach to cable termination eliminates cable- significantly reducing operator dependence, • Downhole Connectors dependent design limitations and common termination time and significantly increasing • Subsea Power Connectors mode/single point failures. The major design RELATED PRODUCTS: • Nautilus Connectors – Standard and Chemically Resistant termination. The FACT penetrator
Te l e d y n e O D I i s a w o r l d l e a d e r i n s u b s e a e l e c t r i c a l a n d f i b e r o p t i c interconnect systems for offshore oil and gas, defense, oceanographic, and telecommunication applications. G E N E RA L S P E C I F ICAT IO NS Operational Temperature: Storage Temperature: Minimum Cable Diameter: Maximum Cable Diameter: Material: 316L Stainless Steel or Titanium Gr 2 Design Life: 25 Years E L E C T RI C A L S P ECIFICAT IO NS Number of Circuits: 7 max** Max Operational Current: Insulation Resistance: ≥10 GΩ @ 1 kVDC * Splice Resistance: ≤0.1 Ω per circuit * Subject...
カタログの2ページ目を開くTeledyne D.G.O'Brienのすべてのカタログとパンフレット
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