グループ: Gulf Craft

RIB 9.5 Anti-Piracy A boat on a mission Basic Dimensions ▫ Overall Length : ▫ Inside Length : ▫ Overall Width : ▫ Inside Width : ▫ Weight (excl. engines) : ▫ Standard Engines : ▫ Max speed (standard engines) : ▫ Maximum power allowed : ▫ Maximum payload : ▫ Maximum seating capacity : ▫ Airtight compartments : ▫ Buoyancy Tube fabrics : ▫ Hull & Deck materials : ▫ Design Category : The RIB 9.5 Anti-Piracy vessel is specifically designed for long-duration, high-speed missions and equipped for Armed, Vessel Boarding Search & Seizure (VBSS)/ “Takedowns” critical to effective Anti-Piracy operations. Many options are available to include deck mounting of crewserve weapons systems, tactical boarding ladders, FLIR Cameras and recording and wireless headset communication systems. Smart Own FZE | POBOX 38035, Dubai, UAE | Tel: +971 4 4438970 | Fax: +971 4 4438692 Email: info@smartown.ae | www.smartown.ae
Smart Own FZE | POBOX 38035, Dubai, UAE | Tel: +971 4 4438970 | Fax: +971 4 4438692 Email: info@smartown.ae | www.smartown.ae
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