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NLCS.pdf - 2

AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY vigation Light Operator Panel The Mega-Guard Navigation Light Control System (NLCS) controls up to 12 navigation lamps. The system has two outputs for each navigation lamp: a Main lamp output and a Spare lamp output. Each navigation lamp has its own on/off pushbutton. A number of navigation lamps can be grouped together (e.g. free sailing, towing) for simultaneous on/off Two versions of the Mega-Guard Navigation Light Control System are available to support the following lamp types: • Bulb lamps; 19-32VDC ; maximum 60W. The lamps are continuously monitored for failures...

NLCS.pdf - 3

AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY ► The Nav. Light Operator Panel is equipped with: ' 14 lamp buttons for controlling individual lamps. Up to 12 lamp butions can be assigned to lamps during installatioi i Three group buttons which can control groups of lamps. i Test button lor manually testing the lamps. i Ack button for acknowledging alarms. i Stop Horn button for deactivating the external horn and i System On and Fault LED's. i Main supply and Back-up supply LED's. i Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons used for dimming and entering Installation mode. ' Power supply input: 19-32VDC which is connected...

NLCS.pdf - 4

Mega-Guard Navigation Light Control Syste Navigation Light Operator Panel Nav, Light Operator Panel Features: • Flushpanel mounting • Text configurable with text sheet Common Alarm (Horn) Navigation Light I/O Module connections Main Nav, Light I/O Module Features: • Text configurable with text sheet connections Spare Mega-Guard Ship Automation and Navigation System Alarm Monitoring Monitoring System Management System Propulsion Integrated Dynamic Control System Navigation System Positioning System Reference System Watch Alarm System Fire Alarm and Nav. Light Alarm System Monitoring System...


Praxis Automation Technologyのすべてのカタログとパンフレット

  1. Fire Alarm System

    8 ページ

  2. Crystal Bridge

    4 ページ

  3. AMCS

    4 ページ

  4. CCTV

    4 ページ

  5. BNWAS

    4 ページ

  6. PCS

    4 ページ

  7. Brochure

    4 ページ

  8. WCS

    4 ページ

  9. AMS

    4 ページ

  10. FAS

    4 ページ

  11. PRS

    4 ページ

  12. DP

    12 ページ

  13. INS

    4 ページ

  14. PMS

    4 ページ

  15. WCS

    4 ページ



    12 ページ

  2. Mega-Guard

    24 ページ