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We won’t try to sway you. She will. Introducing M-Series X-Type: M29x M36x M42x We started with the award-winning quality, distinctive good looks, and innovative engineering that goes into every M-Series yacht we build. Thenwepushedthedesignenvelopebyaddinggo-fastfeaturestoensure maximumsailingperformanceinallconditions.ThenewX-Typepackage now available on new M-Series yachts is going to blow your hair back! Set up a demo today. Handcrafting Fine Yachts Since 1972

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introducing m-series | x-type | performance package If you’ve ever longed to experience the combination of power, sophistication and luxury of owning and driving an AMG Mercedes-Benz, or S-Class Audi, or M-Series BMW, or even a V-Spec Rolls Royce, the new X-Type package now available on new Morris M-Series yachts is going to blow your hair back.

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the concept is simple | new go-fast features We’ve started with the award-winning quality, distinctive good looks, and innovative engineering that goes into every M-Series model we build, then we partnered with Sparkman & Stephens to push the design envelope to ensure maximum sailing performance in all conditions. We’ve added go-fast features like a tall carbon fiber rig from Hall Spars, a deep, high-aspect ratio fin keel, high-tech 3Di sails from North Sails, a carbon fiber wheel, and greasy-fast, super-smooth bottom paint.

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And just as importantly, we’ve taken away speedstealing weight by using resin-infusion on the cored hull and covering the deck with simple non-skid rather than teak.

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But what makes the M-Series X-Type so special is much more than just a long list of options. It’s the smooth, confident feeling that comes from the helm as the boat powers up hard on the breeze. Or the childlike glee that comes when you effortlessly unfurl the A-sail and start screaming downwind.

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Or better still, when you look back at your M-Series X-Type after an invigorating day on the water and realize your well-mannered sport boat has the soul of a Morris Yacht and makes life just a little bit sweeter.

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At the end of the day, you’re exactly where you want to be want to be. Northeast Harbor, Maine Trenton, Maine Builders of Fine Yachts • Providers of World-Class Service, Refit & Brokerage Handcrafting Fine Yachts Since 1972


Morris Yachtsのすべてのカタログとパンフレット

  1. MORRIS M-Series M46

    24 ページ

  2. MORRIS M-Series M52

    32 ページ

  3. MORRIS M-Series M29

    24 ページ

  4. MORRIS M-Series M42

    16 ページ

  5. MORRIS M-Series M36

    14 ページ