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COAST RX 472 - 1

Prescription sunglasses NAUTIC The new Coast sunglasses are designed for sailors who love to ride the waves off our coasts. Super-elegant with their square, wide and deep shapes, they offer outstanding vision with polarized lenses to filter out water glare. Curved and grip temples able to accommodate a cord mean they stick to the face whatever the weather and will stay there even when on dry land. ULr / kJHUci 12 PHOTOCHROMIcl J & POLARIZED IH FALCON 2 PHOTOCHROMIcIi a POLA-IZEC ° TECHNO Wrap-around Base 6 Adjustable Strap Grip tech Curved, wrapping temples Cord attachment

COAST RX 472 - 2

The world needs your vision Prescription sunglasses NAUTIC COAST RX 472 TECHNICAL FEATURES LENSES AVAILABLE Wrap-around Wrap around shape for a good vision spectrum and protection. Base 6 Adjustable Strap Hold and security. Strap length can be adjusted. RXTrem Cameleon /?Xrnfw L^AMtLL, l/V 2 PHOTOCHR'f ' li & polarized!* RXTrem Octopus Grip tech Inserts at stem ends for comfort and hold, does not stick to hair GO / Oh'US 2 PHOTOCHROUIC J & POLARIZED H Curved, wrapping temples Temples shaped and cut for better hold with sharp and repeated movements RXTrem Falcon FALCON 2 PHOIOCHROMICI* s...

COAST RX 472 - 3

COAST RX 472 / LENSES AVAILABLE LaHfWtLCUTV I2 PfOTOCHROMIC 11 S POLARIZED IH RXTrem Cameleon ALL-TERRAIN PURE VISION > The photochromic lens gets darker or lighter in accordance with light intensity. Protection category 2 to 4. > NTS technology: the lens gets darker or lighter regardless of the temperature. > Polarizing: eliminates snow glare, ensuring purity of vision. > Brown: accentuates relief. // Recommended for mountaineering, ski, etc. /CXmp) OC/OhUS 12 photoor 1Ij a polarizedI* RXTrem Octopus A CLEAR VIEW TO THE HORIZON IN EVERY WEATHER > This light-sensitive, water-repellent and...

COAST RX 472 - 4

The world needs your vision COAST RX 472 / LENSES AVAILABLE hALCON 2 PHOIOCHROMICI* •; P J RXTrem Falcon CLEAR VISION AT ALL TIMES > The photochromic lens gets darker or lighter in accordance with light intensity. Protection category 2 to 3. > Polarizing: eliminates glare from all refl ective surfaces (water, tarmac, glass etc.) and provides the purest of vision. > Anti-refl ective coating: reduces eyestrain and eliminates interference glare. > Inside oil-repellent coating: prevents fi nger or grease marks and makes cleaning easier. > BWS (Behind the Windshield): the lens will get...

COAST RX 472 - 5

The world needs your vision COAST RX 472 / LENSES AVAILABLE LIGHT ZEBRA PHOTOCHROMIC RXTrem Zebra Light FROM DAWN TO DUSK > The photochromic lens gets darker or lighter in accordance with light intensity. Protection category 1 to 3. Fast activation speed. > Brown: accentuates relief. // Recommended for trail running, mountain biking, etc. /3Wfr/rc« POLARIZED3 POLYCARBONATE RXTrem Polarized 3 gray > protection category: 3 > Polarizing: Eliminates bounce-back glare on reflective surfaces // Light, and offering good shock resistance, it is multipurpose and suitable for all types of activity at...

COAST RX 472 - 6

The world needs your vision COAST RX 472 / LENSES AVAILABLE SPECTRON4 POLYCARBONATE RXTrem Spectron 4 > protection category: 4 > Anti-reflective coating: improves visual comfort by eliminating stray reflections. > Flash coating: improves visible light filtering with mirror effect lenses. It reflects the rays of light and increases the filter effect. // Recommended for all sports where there is exceptionally bright sunlight. SPECTRON3 POLYCARBONATE RXTrem Spectron 3 > protection category: 3 // Light yet offers good shock resistance, is multipurpose and is suitable for all types of activity.



  1. RACE 2.0 RX482

    6 ページ


    3 ページ

  3. RACE 2.0 NAUTIC

    4 ページ


    4 ページ

  5. 2012 Collection

    52 ページ