
Interprime 450 High Performance Anticorrosive Epoxy Primer Introducing, new from International® Paint, INTERPRIME 450. INTERPRIME 450 is a pure epoxy primer that gives excellent long term anticorrosive protection. INTERPRIME 450 can be applied directly over suitably prepared and primed steel and aluminium and is suitable for use with controlled cathodic protection. INTERPRIME 450 is available in 2 shades (bronze and aluminium) and comes as a 17.5lt mixed unit (12.5lt – Part A ; 5lt – Part B) FEATURES AND BENEFITS: • • • • Pure epoxy primer High performance, long term anticorrosive protection Applicable direct to suitably prepared steel and aluminium Applied by brush, roller or airless spray PRODUCT DATA: Product Code: Colour: Shelf life: Application method: Pack Size: YPA450 (Bronze), YPA451 (Aluminium) – Part A, YPA455 – Part B Bronze or Aluminium 1 Year Brush, Roller or Airless Spray 12.5LT – Part A ; 5LT – Part B Drying 5°C 15°C 23°C 35°C Touch Dry [ISO] 5hrs 3.8hrs 3hrs 2hrs Hard Dry [ISO] 8hrs 7.5hrs 6hrs 3hrs Pot Life 6hrs 4.5hrs 150mins 60mins Overcoating Substrate Temperature 5°C 15°C 23°C 35°C Overcoated By Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Epoxy Antifouling Tie-Coat Interprime 450 Interprime 450 Non Immersed Areas 9hrs 9hrs 9hrs 14days 14days 6mths 7hrs 9hrs 8hrs 14days 14days 6mths 7hrs 7hrs 7hrs 14days 14days 6mths 4hrs 4hrs 4hrs 14days 14days 3mths Note: Interprime 450 may be used at temperatures between -5°C/23°F and -20°C/-4°F in certain worldwide locations. Consult International for specific locations and drying/overcoating information.
SURFACE PREPARATION AND SYSTEM Use in accordance with the standard Global Yacht specifications. All surfaces to be coated should be clean, dry and free from contamination. High pressure fresh water wash or fresh water wash as appropriate, to remove all oil, grease, soluble contaminates and other detrimental foreign matter. STEEL: Thoroughly degrease the surface by wiping with a rag soaked in solvent. Gritblast to Sa 2½ - near white metal surface. If gritblasting is not possible, grind the metal surface with 24-36 grit abrasive discs to a uniform, clean, bright metal surface with a 50-75...
カタログの2ページ目を開くInternational Yacht Paintのすべてのカタログとパンフレット
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Cruiser 200
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Boatguard 100
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Interstrip AF
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Gelshield 200
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Super Cleaner
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Trilux 33
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Trilux Prop-O-Drev
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VC 17m Extra
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Perfection Undercoat
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Yacht Primer
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VC Offshore EU
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Perfection Plus
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Goldspar Satin
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Thinner No. 9
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Thinner No.7
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Matting Additive
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VC Tar2
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Interprime 820
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Interfill 833
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Interfill 830
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Super Gloss HS
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Cruiser Uno EU
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Micron Extra
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Micron 66
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Interspeed Ultra
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Gelshield Plus
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