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Polyester - 2

TH E H O B I E WAY O F L I F E Hobie Alter’s history is strictly bound to his two passions: woodwork and the sea. As a teenager he dreams of a fun, bare- footed life, far away from the big American cities, and here he is on the Laguna Beach, in California, where he begins to shape this new life style that will spread over the 5 continents. A revolutionary invention ! Hobie Alter’s history begins in the family garage. To allow his son to shape his surf boards, Mr Alter put his old DeSoto in the garden. Lighter, stronger and faster, the young Hobie’s boards rise rapidly to the top of the...

Polyester - 3

PO LY E S T E R C O L L E CT I O N For 40 years, Hobie Cat leads the market in technology and innovation which others can only try to imitate. Easy to transport, easy to handle, strong and safe, Hobie Cats have everything to seduce the public. Hobie Cat has been the leader of its industry since 1967, and still maintains its position, counting on the excellent quality of its products and the high level of its service. An ECOLOGICAL French production The Hobie Cat catamarans are manufactured in a modern factory situated in Toulon, in the South of France. An industrial knowhow using modern...

Polyester - 5

HOBIE DRAGOON TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Club Xtreme Length (m) 3.91 Beam (m) 2.20 Mast height (m) 6.40 Main sail area (m²) Crew /EC Category - 3-D 9.50 Jib sail area (m²) Spi area (m²) 2.20 8.10 (option) Minimum weight (kg) 10.31 98 Capacity (kg) 240 Symmetrisch in polyester X Anti-skid neoprene X X Keel HULLS X X X LEXAN WHITE KNIGHT Rudder blades RUDDERS OP OP Connection kit TCM RACE Tiller extension TRAMPOLINE Rudder blade covers ALU ALU Mesh X Front CROSSBARS X X(1) Pocket (Qty) X(1) POINT FIXE Self-tacking system X Rear RI RI Block STD RACE Main traveller SSI Boom OP Jib furler OP OP OP...

Polyester - 7

HOBIE 14 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classic Crew / EC Category Length (m) - 1/2 C Beam (m) Race Power 4,25 2,34 Mast height (m) 6,78 Main sail area (m²) 10,46 Jib sail area (m²) 2.80 (option) Minimum weight (kg) - 110 Capacity (kg) 160 asymmetrical polyester HULLS X X X Coloured strips X X X Anti-skid neoprene Rudder blades RUDDERS Rudder blade covers X OP OP OP LEXAN Reinforced hulls X Wh KNIGHT Wh KNIGHT OP OP OP Connection kit TCM TCM RACE Tiller extension ALU FIBER FIBER White TRAMPOLINE X Blue OP X Mesh OP OP X X (1) X (1) X (1) Pockets (Qty) CROSSBARS Front Rear RI RI STD RACE RACE Main...

Polyester - 9

HOBIE 15 CLUB TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Crew / EC Category - 3C Length (m) 4,95 Beam (m) 2,26 Mast height (m) 7,20 Main sail area (m²) 11,50 Jib sail area (m²) 3,50 Spi area (m²) 17,50 Minimum weight (kg) 155 Capacity (kg) 320 Polyester with neoprene X Reinforced hulls X Removable keel system HULLS X Rudder blades Connection kit TCM ALU Mesh TRAMPOLINE OP Tiller extension RUDDERS EASY LOCK LEXAN Rudder covers OP White X Pockets (Qty) CROSSBARS X(2) Front STD Rear RI Blocks RIGGING STD Jib halyard «Worlds» X CCT Jib furler OP 2-piece MAST Main traveller OP Mast top floating device OP Double...

Polyester - 10

16 40 th Annive rsary LEGE ND 40 Anniversary th 10 HOBIE 16

Polyester - 11

HOBIE 16 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Easy Crew / EC Category Length (m) -3C Beam (m) 2,41 Main sail area (m²) Jib sail area (m²) 7,92 7,50/10,50 13,77 3,70 Spi area (m²) 5,12 17,50 (option) Minimum weight (kg) 145 Capacity (kg) 240 asymmetrical in polyester X X X X X OP X OP LEXAN LEXAN Wh KNIGHT Coloured strips X X Anti-skid neoprene Reinforced hulls Rudder blades RUDDERS Race 5,11 Mast height (m) HULLS Club Trampoline/Rudder covers OP OP OP connection kit TCM TCM RACE Tiller extension ALU ALU FIBER X X Blue OP OP Mesh OP OP X X (2) X (2) X (2) Front EASY RI RI Rear RI + rail RI RI Blocks STD...

Polyester - 13

HOBIE MAX TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Club Crew / EC Category 3-C / 3-D Race Length (m) 4,90 Beam (m) 2,50 Mast height (m) 8 Main sail area (m²) 11 Spi area (m²) 13 2,66 Jib sail area (m²) 3,66 15 (option) Minimum weight (kg) Capacity (kg) HULLS 18,50 145 240 in polyester X Removable keel system X X Wh KNIGHT Wh KNIGHT Rudder blades TRAMPOLINE OP OP Connection kit RACE RACE Tiller extension RUDDERS Trampoline/hull/rudder covers X Aluminium Télescopic Mesh X X X(1) Pockets (Qty) X(1) Front CROSSBARS RI Self tacking system OP X Rear RI RI Blocks RIGGING STD Main traveller RACE Ball bearing Ball...

Polyester - 15

HOBIE Fx-One TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classic Xtrème Length (m) 5,25 Beam (m) 2,55 Mast height (m) Crew / EC Category - 1/2-C 8,50 Main sail area (m²) 16 Jib sail area (m²) 4,15 (option) 4,15 17,50 (option) Spi area (m²) 17,50 Minimum weight (kg) 135 Capacity (kg) 160 RUDDERS X Daggerboards X X Rudder blades HULLS Symmetrical in polyester Wh KNIGHT Wh KNIGHT OP OP Trampoline / Daggerboard / Rudder covers Connection kit Mesh RACE RACE Télescopic Stick TRAMPOLINE X Télescopic X X X(1) Pockets (Qty) X(1) Front CROSSBARS Self-tacking system OP X Rear RI RI Blocks RACE RIGGING Ball bearing X...

Polyester - 17

HOBIE PACIFIC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Crew / EC Category - 2/3-C Length (m) 5,48 Beam (m) 2,60 Mast height (m) 9 Main sail area (m²) 15,50 Jib sail area (m²) 4,15 Spi area (m²) 18,50 (option) Minimum weight (kg) HULLS 170 Capacity (kg) 240 in polyester with keel X Anti-skid neoprene X Rudder blades RUDDERS Wh KNIGHT Trampoline / hull /daggerboard covers OP TCM Tiller extension TRAMPOLINE Connection kit FIBER Mesh X Pockets (Qty) X(2) Front CROSSBARS RI Self-tacking system OP Rear RI Poulies RIGGING RACE Main traveller Ball bearing Boom OP Jib furler MAST X 2-pieces OP Mast top floating...

Polyester - 19

HOBIE PEARL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Crew / EC Category 2/3-C Length (m) 5,48 Beam (m) 2,55 Mast height (m) 9 Main sail area (m²) 17 Jib sail area (m²) 4,15 Genaker area (m²) 15 Minimum weight (kg) 180 Capacity (kg) 240 In polyester HULLS X Boards PIVOTING Anti-skid neoprene EVA Rudder blades RUDDERS Wh KNIGHT Rudder blade covers OP CROSSBARS TCM Tiller extension TRAMPOLINE Connection kit TELESCOPIC Mesh X Pockets (Qty) X(2) Front Rear RI Blocks RIGGING RACE Main traveller Ball bearing Boom X Jib furler MAST X 2-piece OP Mast top floating device OP Double trapeze SAILS X Coloured sails X...


Hobie Cat Europeのすべてのカタログとパンフレット


    1 ページ

  2. Tandem Island

    2 ページ

  3. adventure island

    2 ページ

  4. bravo

    2 ページ

  5. mao-beach_dolley

    19 ページ

  6. optipratic

    2 ページ

  7. tiger

    2 ページ

  8. wildcat

    2 ページ

  9. pearl

    2 ページ

  10. hc16

    2 ページ

  11. hc15club

    2 ページ


    2 ページ

  13. T2

    2 ページ

  14. TEDDY

    2 ページ

  15. WAVE

    2 ページ

  16. CATSY

    2 ページ

  17. LUDIC

    2 ページ

  18. Ph 3.60

    2 ページ

  19. sail_colours

    6 ページ

  20. icat

    2 ページ

  21. kayaks_2012

    20 ページ

  22. Polyethylène

    20 ページ

  23. Hobie Wild Cat

    2 ページ

  24. Hobie Tiger

    2 ページ

  25. Hobie Pearl

    2 ページ

  26. Hobie Pacific

    2 ページ

  27. Hobie Fx-One

    2 ページ

  28. Hobie Max

    2 ページ

  29. Hobie Cat 16

    2 ページ

  30. Hobie Cat 15 Club

    2 ページ

  31. Hobie Cat 14

    2 ページ

  32. Hobie Dragoon

    2 ページ

  33. Hobie Tatoo

    2 ページ

  34. Hobie Twixxy

    2 ページ

  35. Hobie Teddy

    2 ページ

  36. Hobie Wave

    2 ページ

  37. Hobie Advance

    2 ページ

  38. hobie catsy

    2 ページ

  39. Hobie Bravo

    2 ページ

  40. pH 3.60 Article

    1 ページ

  41. pH 4.40 English

    2 ページ

  42. OPEN 5.00

    4 ページ

  43. OPEN 5.70

    4 ページ

  44. LUDIC

    2 ページ


  1. Hobie Cat 15

    1 ページ