2015 Sport Boats
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2015 Sport Boats - 2

Fo u r Win n s o w n e r s hav e so m e thin g spe cial in co m m o n . I t’s n o t the ir statu s. T he ir ag e . O r e v e n the ir backg r o u n ds. Fo u r Win n s o w n e r s shar e a phil o so phy : that l ife sho u l d be a b e au tifu l r ide . T he y be l ie v e that an y v e hicl e w ith a co ckpit sho u l d hav e the po w e r to thr il l . An d Fo u r Win n s g iv e s the m e x actl y w hat the y w an t. Be cau se w he n w e cr aft a Fo u r Win n s b o at, w e do n ’t ho l d back. O u r in te l l ig e n t e n g in e e r in g , qu al ity m an u factu r in g an d tho u g htfu l am e...

2015 Sport Boats - 4

Smooth Rides It takes more t ha n a f e w s we lls a nd s ha r p t u r n s t o r o c k a F o u r W i n n s. The materials we use to construct our boats are as durable as they are elegant. Solid hulls. Stainless steel amenities. And premium vinyl upholstery that looks Elegant Styling and feels like the finest fabric, detailed with contrast French stitching.

2015 Sport Boats - 5

craft a better afternoon. Thoughtful Design Custom Looks below the surface, yo u c a n g r a c e f ully g e t in a nd o u t .

2015 Sport Boats - 6


2015 Sport Boats - 7

Choose your style: Classic, Classic Sport or Modern Sport DEEP NAVY Classic Available on all th e Ho r iz o n a nd Sundo wne r m o de l s. • Five dyn amic e x t e r io r c o lo r s : De e p Na v y, J e t B l a c k , A l l W h i t e , True Red , Stee l Gr a y DEEP NAVY/RATTAN JET BLACK DEEP NAVY/SILVER TROPICAL WHITE • Four in terior: Tr o pic a l W hit e , L a t t e a nd Alm o n d , L a t t e a n d E b o n y, Lu nar an d E bony STEEL GRAY TROPICAL WHITE Classic Sport Modern Sport and cockpit stylin g t o lo w- pr o f ile winds hie lds a nd g e n e r o u s su n p a d s t h r e e e xt e r i o...

2015 Sport Boats - 9

Horizon Series open-bow excitement with horizon Our Horizon series is built for boaters who love adventure. Its open-bow sport platform invites friends and family onboard for an afternoon of excitement and elegance. From 18 to 35 feet. RS or SS models from 18 to 26 feet. New cockpit design with sleeker shapes, plush cushions and more dynamic color accents. New contemporary dashboard is vinyl wrapped with contrasting stitching. More streamlined swim platform has a hidden ladder and a handle on the back.

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Horizon 180 LOA: 18'0" / 5.49 M BEAM: 7'7" / 2.31 M FUEL CAPACITY: 24 GAL / 91 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 33" / 84 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 1200 LBS / 544 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 2220–2500 LBS / 1010–1130 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 639 LBS / 290 KG DEADRISE: 19°

2015 Sport Boats - 11

Horizon 180 OB LOA: 17'11" / 5.46 M BEAM: 7'7" / 2.31 M FUEL CAPACITY: 24 GAL / 91 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 31" / 79 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 1800 LBS / 816 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 1940–2080 LBS / 880–943 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 639 LBS / 290 KG DEADRISE: 19°

2015 Sport Boats - 12

Horizon 190 LOA: 19'0" / 5.79 M BEAM: 7'11" / 2.41 M FUEL CAPACITY: 32 GAL / 121 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 33" / 84 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 1400 LBS / 635 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 2620–2830 LBS / 1190–1280 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 1025( S) / 1212( T) LBS / 465( S) / 550 ( T) KG DEADRISE: 20°

2015 Sport Boats - 13

Horizon 200 LOA: 20'1" / 6.12 M BEAM: 8'3" / 2.51 M FUEL CAPACITY: 32 GAL / 121 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 33" / 84 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 1500 LBS / 680 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 2900–3200 LBS / 1320–1450 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 1165 LBS / 529 KG DEADRISE: 20°

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Horizon 210 LOA: 21'7" / 6.58 M BEAM: 8'5" / 2.55 M FUEL CAPACITY: 40 GAL / 151 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 33" / 84 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 1600 LBS / 725 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 3380–3580 LBS / 1533–1624 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 1051( S) / 1234( T) LBS / 477( S) / 560( T) KG DEADRISE: 20°

2015 Sport Boats - 15

Horizon 230 LOA: 23'7" / 7.19 M BEAM: 8'5" / 2.55 M FUEL CAPACITY: 52 GAL / 197 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 34" / 86 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 1800 LBS / 862 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 4370–4450 LBS / 1980–2020 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 1505 LBS / 683 KG DEADRISE: 20°

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Horizon 260 LOA: 26'3" / 8.00 M BEAM: 8'5" / 2.55 M FUEL CAPACITY: 70 GAL / 265 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 35" / 89 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 2250 LBS / 1021 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 5100–5400 LBS / 2310–2450 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 1610 LBS / 730 KG DEADRISE: 20°

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Horizon 290 LOA: 29'6" / 8.99 M BEAM: 9'5" / 2.87 M FUEL CAPACITY: 120 GAL / 454 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 39" / 99 CM MAX. CAPACITY: YACHT APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 7200–8500 LBS / 3266–3856 KG DEADRISE: 21°

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Ho r izo n 310 LOA: 31'4" / 9.55 M BEAM: 9'8" / 2.95 M FUEL CAPACITY: 130 GAL / 492 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 35" / 89 CM MAX. CAPACITY: YACHT APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 8340–8360 LBS / 3780–3790 KG DEADRISE: 21°

2015 Sport Boats - 20

Horizon 440 This is the largest bowrider on the market. Period. All 44 feet are designed for the ultimate in comfortable living and generous entertaining. Among the many amenities Not abl e Feat ur es: • Volvo Pent a I PS ™ joyst ick • Choose f r om t wo cabin layout s are the hydraulic table that lowers to become a spacious sun area and the large head with enclosed shower. • Hydr aulic t able wit h bow f ill- in cushion • I nt egr at ed har dt op wit h r et r act able awning • 40- inch TV in cabin • Cockpit gr ill, r ef r iger at or and icem aker • Fusion ® st er eo wit h volum e zone cont...

2015 Sport Boats - 23

SPORT BOAT MEETS LIVING ROOM WITH Our SL series offers expansive and elegant comforts for you and all your guests. It embodies the best of a bowrider with the amenities of a well-appointed deck boat. From 22 to 24 feet in length.

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SL 222 LOA: 22'7" / 6.88 M BEAM: 8'6" / 2.59 M FUEL CAPACITY: 50 GAL / 189 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 33" / 84 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 1800 LBS / 816 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 4450–4470 LBS / 2020–2030 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 1256 LBS / 570 KG DEADRISE: 20°

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SL 242 LOA: 24'5" / 7.44 M BEAM: 8'6" / 2.59 M FUEL CAPACITY: 58 GAL / 220 L DRAFT- DRIVE DOWN: 33" / 84 CM MAX. CAPACITY: 2100 LBS / 953 KG APPROX. BOAT & ENGINE WEIGHT: 4870–5050 LBS / 2210–2290 KG TRAILER WEIGHT: 1495 LBS / 678 KG DEADRISE: 20°


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