グループ: Seawind Catamarans


Corsair Marine Inte ernational oi uan 7 Go O Mo Str, Phu Thu Ward District 7, HCMC, Vietnam ___ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______ Cor rsair 28RS - Aft Cock Sports C S kpit Cruiser – 20 Specifications 013 ger The Corsair 28RS has a much bigg cockpit than her R By ng abin, the EC and CR sisters. B eliminatin the aft ca 28RS is li ighter and t therefore fa aster – whic is so ch much fun in the warm climates where les cabin mer ss space is re equired. Having said that, the main cabin has been carefully o sing. The V-berth is planned to still allow family cruis ideal for one or two children and can certainly accommod date two adu ults. In addit tion, the set tee area converts to two singles or an e expansion of the Vberth. As w the othe Corsairs, t 28RS is an easily tra with er the ailerable spo boat beca ort ause of its lig ghtweight and low profile on the trailer The transit o r. tion from trai ilering to sailing takes ab bout 30 minu utes. The st or using the ins stalled winch on the trailer. Everythin about the Corsair h ng e mas is raised o lowered u 28R is design RS ned to get y you on the water and across the water quick kly, comforta ably and affordably. The base boat in e ncludes the f following fea atures: Cruising ma sail, jib (roller furling or hank on) and mainsai cover from North Sails ain il Electrical system with breaker pan nel, test mete 12V acce er, essory outle and maste switch, et er s ery) navigation, foredeck and cabin lights (does not include batte t em Lightweight folding syste Rotating 38 aluminum double spre 8’ eader wing m mast with ma jib, spinn ain, naker and sc creecher halyards; ro oller furling b boom with 8 outhaul; s 8:1 stainless ste standing rigging; two Harken eel o B40.2 self tailing primar winches; o 10" winch handle; on Harken B3 ry one ne 32.2 self tailin cabin ng two Harken 3 32.2 coaming winches; one Harken B Boat Ser o Big ries traveler car; one top winch; t g Harken Hex xa-cat™; 8:1 mainsheet system; jib sheets; and four Spinlo XTR clut 1 d ock tches for halyards Carbon fibre bowsprit w deck hard e with dware for sp pinnaker and screecher One foredeck hatch, two float hatche anchor lo o es, ocker Tinted polyc carbonate ca abin windows hatch boar s, rds, pop-top companionw hatch way Bulkhead mounted com m mpass Boarding la adder with tra ansom mounting Grey wing n nets with hiki straps, bow nets pulp ing pit Lifting eyes s Sailing man nual Space for porta-potty under starb board settee with e tain privacy curt Cabin table with additional cockpit ta e able mount Beige Interior carpet line and red cu er ushions Cockpit stor rage compar rtments (port & starboard and molde t d) ed-in compar rtment for saf fety equipment Bas Boat US$101,210. Prices are ex-w se works (Vietn nam) and subject to change. For more information, log onto www.cors sairmarine.co om The C Corsair photos on this page ar of owners’ bo re oats. These boa may be outf ats fitted with after-market equipment/options not in ncluded in this p package. Update 1 May, 2013 ed 3. ____ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ________ Ph + 8 3873 3620 +84 www.corsairma w arine.com Fx + 8 3873 36 +84 621 Ema info@corsa ail airmarine.com for your local Corsair M m Marine dealer details r’s
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