Ultra Low Power-Ultrasonic wind meter
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Ultra Low Power-Ultrasonic wind meter - 1

calypsoinstruments.com English version 2.2 21.06.2021 ULTRASONIC ULP SPECS SHEET Power 3,3 -18 VDC Power consumption 0.3 mA at 38400 bauds, 1 Hz (5V) Wind information Windspeed Wind direction Environmental IP Protection Temeperature range Wind speed Range: 0 - 45 m/s or 0 - 25 m/s Accuracy: 1% RMS at 10 m/s Threshold: 1 m/s Firmware Upgradable Wind direcction Range: 0- 359º Accuracy: ±1º RMS at 10 m/s Easy mount 3xM4 lateral female thread 3xM4 inferior female thread Data output -On demand -Poll -MODBUS Baudrate Output rate Output units DAVIS compatible wind sensor Mounting accessories Pole mount up to 52 mm North mark position Make sure the north mark is perfectly aligned Aluminum and Carbon Fiber poles Flat mount ULTRASONIC ULP SPECS SHEET calypsoinstr uments.com C/Alfonso Solans Serrano 20, local 12 50014, Zaragoza, Spain Telephone number: +34 876454853 e-mail: sales@calypsoinstruments.com aftersales@calypsoinstruments.co


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