
Mirgab - 1

Burger Launches Largest Project largest aluminum yacht in its Alshaya Family from Kuwait. Over 1200 onlook- tri-deck into the water for Mohammad Alshaya spoke said to serve as an ambassa- Middle East. In celebration Alshaya family, was shared sented the Burger Boat Company with its first big yacht order. After Mirgab V was signed, several other yachts followed including decks - Areti I & Areti II, High-speed Enclosed Bridge - Hull #509. Since the deci- sion was made to move into the larger market, Burger is celebrating the largest back- order in history and is final- izing three additional yacht engineered and built motor Mirgab V, a 144-ft. tri-deck yacht. yacht with over 8,100 sq. ft. exterior living space. The defining focal point on the glass-tube pneumatic eleva- sculpted bronze stairway and illuminated glass treads spanning three stories. This stairway, designed and craft- all three levels with 1,076 Bigelli Marmi of Italy. The yacht also features side deck bulwarks that fold down into a verandah, an integral swim platform that converts to a placement hull form to near- ly 20 knots and will be fully compliant. Richard Davies and Roberta Johnson from Technical Support Limited family throughout construc- tion. The vessel will be with will be on display at the 2006 Monaco Yacht Show. Within the last two years Burger Boat Company has • Personnel (growing from off-site locations) construction (moving from Shipping) yacht design and Reprinted with permission from the June 2006 edition of MarineNews. MarineNews is a publication of New Wave Media. Visit us online at www.marinelink.com


Burger Boat Companyのすべてのカタログとパンフレット


    4 ページ

  2. 122' TRI-DECK

    4 ページ

  3. 112' RPH

    4 ページ


    4 ページ

  5. 144 TRI-DECK

    4 ページ

  6. 122 TRI DECK

    1 ページ

  7. 115 RPH

    4 ページ

  8. BLUE

    4 ページ

  9. Burger 50 Cruiser

    3 ページ

  10. ingot_brochure

    6 ページ

  11. burger-214

    11 ページ

  12. Burger 112 RPH

    12 ページ

  13. TÒ-KALÒN

    6 ページ


    6 ページ

  15. burger-112

    4 ページ

  16. burger 115

    4 ページ

  17. BURGER 122 RPH

    4 ページ

  18. Commercial brochure

    10 ページ

  19. burger-144

    12 ページ

  20. burger-128

    12 ページ

  21. burger-121

    12 ページ

  22. Lady Sarah

    25 ページ

  23. IZMO

    14 ページ

  24. Taittinger

    15 ページ

  25. The Next Port

    14 ページ

  26. Latitude Adjustment

    29 ページ

  27. One Too Many

    18 ページ

  28. Clarissa

    16 ページ

  29. Liquidity

    21 ページ

  30. Free Spirit

    25 ページ

  31. Silver Seas

    21 ページ

  32. Seafari

    19 ページ

  33. Go Fourth

    22 ページ


    18 ページ

  35. AR DE 122

    31 ページ


    31 ページ

  37. OLGA

    23 ページ


    20 ページ


    22 ページ

  40. KARIA

    6 ページ

  41. Ingot

    6 ページ

  42. sycara v

    6 ページ

  43. Burger Boat

    1 ページ

  44. Burger Brochure

    12 ページ

  45. Burger for Sail

    1 ページ


  1. 153-foot Ingot

    7 ページ

  2. Ingot 153?

    11 ページ

  3. Burger/RMD 50m

    4 ページ

  4. Burger INGOT Specs

    15 ページ

  5. Sea Owl Specs

    2 ページ

  6. Sycara Specs

    2 ページ

  7. 504 Mirgab V Specs

    3 ページ