

Catalog excerpts


SIGMA VIKOTE 18 3 pages DESCRIPTION July 2009 Revision of September 2005 high build aluminium pigmented chlorinated rubber primer/sealer PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – – – – – – – – anticorrosive primer/sealer excellent water resistance unsaponiable resistant to well designed/controlled cathodic protection fast drying can be applied at low temperatures, down to -10°C tolerates a dft up to 150 µm at overlaps without sagging compatible with antifoulings COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, reddish grey - at BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal) Mass density Volume solids VOC (supplied) 1.2 g/cm³ 42 ± 2% max. 409 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 502 g/l (approx. 4.2 lb/gal) 75 µm per coat 5.6 m²/l for 75 µm 4 hours at 5 - 10°C, 1 hour at 20°C min. 6 hours * max. unlimited at least 12 months Recommended dry lm thickness Theoretical spreading rate Touch dry after Overcoating interval Shelf life (cool and dry place) * see additional data RECOMMENDED SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURES – steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss, welds, rusty and damaged areas blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½ – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting prole 40 - 70 µm – primed steel or previous coat; dry and free from any contamination – galvanised steel; dry and free from any contamination and zinc salts – substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use – the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity – too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance AIRLESS SPRAY Recommended thinner Volume of thinner Nozzle orice Nozzle pressure system sheets: 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104 Thinner 21-06 0 - 3%, depending on required thickness and application conditions approx. 0.45 mm (= 0.018 in) 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.) page 1/3

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SIGMA VIKOTE 18 July 2009 AIR SPRAY Recommended thinner Volume of thinner Nozzle orice Nozzle pressure Thinner 21-06 6 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions 1.8 - 2 mm 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.) BRUSH/ROLLER Recommended thinner Volume of thinner the recommended dft cannot be reached in one coat Thinner 21-06 0 - 3% CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 21-06 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant material safety data sheets this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid...

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SIGMA VIKOTE 18 July 2009 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specic enquiry, or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's...

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All Sigma Coatings PPG PMC catalogs and brochures


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    8 Pages

  5. AMERCOAT 205

    5 Pages

  6. ABC 4

    4 Pages

  7. ABC 3

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  8. AMERCOAT 242

    6 Pages

  9. AMERCOAT 238

    6 Pages


    3 Pages

  11. SIGMARINE 42

    2 Pages

  12. SIGMARINE 28

    3 Pages